PHP Class Dingo\Api\Routing\Route

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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$action array Array of route action attributes.
$adapter Dingo\Api\Contract\Routing\Adapter Routing adapter instance.
$authenticationProviders array Array of authentication providers.
$conditionalRequest boolean Indicates if the request is conditional.
$container Illuminate\Container\Container Container instance.
$controller object Controller instance.
$controllerClass string Controller class name.
$controllerMethod string Controller method name.
$methods array Array of HTTP methods.
$middleware array Middleware applied to route.
$rateExpiration integer The expiration time for any rate limit set on this rate.
$rateLimit integer The rate limit for this route.
$scopes array Array of scopes for OAuth 2.0 authentication.
$throttle The throttle used by the route, takes precedence over rate limits.
$uri string Route URI.
$versions array Array of versions this route will respond to.

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( Dingo\Api\Contract\Routing\Adapter $adapter, Illuminate\Container\Container $container, Illuminate\Http\Request $request, array | Illuminate\Routing\Route $route ) : void Create a new route instance.
authenticationProviders ( ) : array Get the route authentication providers.
domain ( ) : string | null Get the domain defined for the route.
getAction ( ) : array Get the route action.
getActionName ( ) : string Get the action name for the route.
getAuthenticationProviders ( ) : array Get the route authentication providers.
getControllerInstance ( ) : null | Illuminate\Routing\Controller | Laravel\Lumen\Routing\Controller Get the routes controller instance.
getMethods ( ) : array Get the HTTP verbs the route responds to.
getMiddleware ( ) : array Get the middleware for this route.
getName ( ) : string Get the name of the route.
getOriginalRoute ( ) : array | Illuminate\Routing\Route Get the original route.
getPath ( ) : string Get the URI associated with the route.
getRateLimit ( ) : integer Get the rate limit for this route.
getRateLimitExpiration ( ) : integer Get the rate limit expiration time for this route.
getScopes ( ) : array Get the route scopes.
getThrottle ( ) : string | Dingo\Api\Http\RateLimit\Throttle\Throttle Get the route throttle.
getVersions ( ) : array Get the versions for the route.
hasThrottle ( ) : boolean Determine if the route has a throttle.
httpOnly ( ) : boolean Determine if the route only responds to HTTP requests.
httpsOnly ( ) : boolean Determine if the route only responds to HTTPS requests.
isProtected ( ) : boolean Determine if the route is protected.
methods ( ) : array Get the HTTP verbs the route responds to.
middleware ( ) : array Get the middleware for this route.
rateLimit ( ) : integer Get the rate limit for this route.
rateLimitExpiration ( ) : integer Get the rate limit expiration time for this route.
requestIsConditional ( ) : boolean Determine if the request is conditional.
scopeStrict ( ) : boolean Check if route requires all scopes or any scope to be valid.
scopes ( ) : array Get the route scopes.
secure ( ) : boolean Determine if the route only responds to HTTPS requests.
throttle ( ) : string | Dingo\Api\Http\RateLimit\Throttle\Throttle Get the route throttle.
uri ( ) : string Get the URI associated with the route.
versions ( ) : array Get the versions for the route.

Protected Methods

Method Description
controllerUsesHelpersTrait ( ) : boolean Determine if the controller instance uses the helpers trait.
explodeOnPipes ( string | array $value ) : array Explode a value on a pipe delimiter.
findControllerPropertyOptions ( string $name ) : array Find the controller options and whether or not it will apply to this routes controller method.
makeControllerInstance ( ) : Illuminate\Routing\Controller | Laravel\Lumen\Routing\Controller Make a new controller instance through the container.
mergeControllerProperties ( ) Merge the controller properties onto the route properties.
optionsApplyToControllerMethod ( array $options ) : boolean Determine if a controller method is in an array of options.
setupRouteProperties ( Illuminate\Http\Request $request, $route ) Setup the route properties.

Method Details

__construct() public method

Create a new route instance.
public __construct ( Dingo\Api\Contract\Routing\Adapter $adapter, Illuminate\Container\Container $container, Illuminate\Http\Request $request, array | Illuminate\Routing\Route $route ) : void
$adapter Dingo\Api\Contract\Routing\Adapter
$container Illuminate\Container\Container
$request Illuminate\Http\Request
$route array | Illuminate\Routing\Route
return void

authenticationProviders() public method

Get the route authentication providers.
public authenticationProviders ( ) : array
return array

controllerUsesHelpersTrait() protected method

Determine if the controller instance uses the helpers trait.
protected controllerUsesHelpersTrait ( ) : boolean
return boolean

domain() public method

Get the domain defined for the route.
public domain ( ) : string | null
return string | null

explodeOnPipes() protected method

Explode a value on a pipe delimiter.
protected explodeOnPipes ( string | array $value ) : array
$value string | array
return array

findControllerPropertyOptions() protected method

Find the controller options and whether or not it will apply to this routes controller method.
protected findControllerPropertyOptions ( string $name ) : array
$name string
return array

getAction() public method

Get the route action.
public getAction ( ) : array
return array

getActionName() public method

Get the action name for the route.
public getActionName ( ) : string
return string

getAuthenticationProviders() public method

Get the route authentication providers.
public getAuthenticationProviders ( ) : array
return array

getControllerInstance() public method

Get the routes controller instance.
public getControllerInstance ( ) : null | Illuminate\Routing\Controller | Laravel\Lumen\Routing\Controller
return null | Illuminate\Routing\Controller | Laravel\Lumen\Routing\Controller

getMethods() public method

Get the HTTP verbs the route responds to.
public getMethods ( ) : array
return array

getMiddleware() public method

Get the middleware for this route.
public getMiddleware ( ) : array
return array

getName() public method

Get the name of the route.
public getName ( ) : string
return string

getOriginalRoute() public method

Get the original route.
public getOriginalRoute ( ) : array | Illuminate\Routing\Route
return array | Illuminate\Routing\Route

getPath() public method

Get the URI associated with the route.
public getPath ( ) : string
return string

getRateLimit() public method

Get the rate limit for this route.
public getRateLimit ( ) : integer
return integer

getRateLimitExpiration() public method

Get the rate limit expiration time for this route.
public getRateLimitExpiration ( ) : integer
return integer

getScopes() public method

Get the route scopes.
public getScopes ( ) : array
return array

getThrottle() public method

Get the route throttle.
public getThrottle ( ) : string | Dingo\Api\Http\RateLimit\Throttle\Throttle
return string | Dingo\Api\Http\RateLimit\Throttle\Throttle

getVersions() public method

Get the versions for the route.
public getVersions ( ) : array
return array

hasThrottle() public method

Determine if the route has a throttle.
public hasThrottle ( ) : boolean
return boolean

httpOnly() public method

Determine if the route only responds to HTTP requests.
public httpOnly ( ) : boolean
return boolean

httpsOnly() public method

Determine if the route only responds to HTTPS requests.
public httpsOnly ( ) : boolean
return boolean

isProtected() public method

Determine if the route is protected.
public isProtected ( ) : boolean
return boolean

makeControllerInstance() protected method

Make a new controller instance through the container.
protected makeControllerInstance ( ) : Illuminate\Routing\Controller | Laravel\Lumen\Routing\Controller
return Illuminate\Routing\Controller | Laravel\Lumen\Routing\Controller

mergeControllerProperties() protected method

Merge the controller properties onto the route properties.

methods() public method

Get the HTTP verbs the route responds to.
public methods ( ) : array
return array

middleware() public method

Get the middleware for this route.
public middleware ( ) : array
return array

optionsApplyToControllerMethod() protected method

Determine if a controller method is in an array of options.
protected optionsApplyToControllerMethod ( array $options ) : boolean
$options array
return boolean

rateLimit() public method

Get the rate limit for this route.
public rateLimit ( ) : integer
return integer

rateLimitExpiration() public method

Get the rate limit expiration time for this route.
public rateLimitExpiration ( ) : integer
return integer

requestIsConditional() public method

Determine if the request is conditional.
public requestIsConditional ( ) : boolean
return boolean

scopeStrict() public method

Check if route requires all scopes or any scope to be valid.
public scopeStrict ( ) : boolean
return boolean

scopes() public method

Get the route scopes.
public scopes ( ) : array
return array

secure() public method

Determine if the route only responds to HTTPS requests.
public secure ( ) : boolean
return boolean

setupRouteProperties() protected method

Setup the route properties.
protected setupRouteProperties ( Illuminate\Http\Request $request, $route )
$request Illuminate\Http\Request

throttle() public method

Get the route throttle.
public throttle ( ) : string | Dingo\Api\Http\RateLimit\Throttle\Throttle
return string | Dingo\Api\Http\RateLimit\Throttle\Throttle

uri() public method

Get the URI associated with the route.
public uri ( ) : string
return string

versions() public method

Get the versions for the route.
public versions ( ) : array
return array

Property Details

$action protected property

Array of route action attributes.
protected array $action
return array

$adapter protected property

Routing adapter instance.
protected Adapter,Dingo\Api\Contract\Routing $adapter
return Dingo\Api\Contract\Routing\Adapter

$authenticationProviders protected property

Array of authentication providers.
protected array $authenticationProviders
return array

$conditionalRequest protected property

Indicates if the request is conditional.
protected bool $conditionalRequest
return boolean

$container protected property

Container instance.
protected Container,Illuminate\Container $container
return Illuminate\Container\Container

$controller protected property

Controller instance.
protected object $controller
return object

$controllerClass protected property

Controller class name.
protected string $controllerClass
return string

$controllerMethod protected property

Controller method name.
protected string $controllerMethod
return string

$methods protected property

Array of HTTP methods.
protected array $methods
return array

$middleware protected property

Middleware applied to route.
protected array $middleware
return array

$rateExpiration protected property

The expiration time for any rate limit set on this rate.
protected int $rateExpiration
return integer

$rateLimit protected property

The rate limit for this route.
protected int $rateLimit
return integer

$route protected property

protected $route

$scopes protected property

Array of scopes for OAuth 2.0 authentication.
protected array $scopes
return array

$throttle protected property

The throttle used by the route, takes precedence over rate limits.
protected $throttle

$uri protected property

Route URI.
protected string $uri
return string

$versions protected property

Array of versions this route will respond to.
protected array $versions
return array