PHP Class Doctrine\ODM\CouchDB\Configuration

Since: 1.0
Author: Benjamin Eberlei ([email protected])
Author: Lukas Kahwe Smith ([email protected])
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Public Methods

Method Description
addDesignDocument ( string $name, string $className, array $options )
addDocumentNamespace ( string $alias, string $namespace ) Adds a namespace under a certain alias.
getAllOrNothingFlush ( ) : boolean
getAutoGenerateProxyClasses ( )
getDesignDocument ( string $name ) : array
getDesignDocumentNames ( ) : array
getDocumentNamespace ( string $documentNamespaceAlias ) : string Resolves a registered namespace alias to the full namespace.
getLuceneHandlerName ( )
getMetadataCacheImpl ( ) : Doctrine\Common\Cache\Cache Gets the cache driver implementation that is used for metadata caching.
getMetadataDriverImpl ( ) : Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Mapping\Driver\MappingDriver Gets the cache driver implementation that is used for the mapping metadata.
getMetadataResolverImpl ( )
getMigrations ( ) : Doctrine\ODM\CouchDB\Migrations\NullMigration;
getProxyDir ( ) : string Gets the directory where Doctrine generates any necessary proxy class files.
getProxyNamespace ( ) : string Gets the namespace for Doctrine proxy class files.
getUUIDGenerationBufferSize ( ) : integer Gets the default UUID Generator buffer size
getValidateDoctrineMetadata ( ) : boolean Gets if all CouchDB document metadata should be validated on read
newDefaultAnnotationDriver ( array $paths = [] ) : AnnotationDriver Add a new default annotation driver with a correctly configured annotation reader.
setAllOrNothingFlush ( boolean $allOrNothing )
setAutoGenerateProxyClasses ( $bool )
setDocumentNamespaces ( array $documentNamespaces ) : void Set the document alias map
setLuceneHandlerName ( $handlerName = '_fti' )
setMetadataCacheImpl ( Doctrine\Common\Cache\Cache $cacheImpl ) Sets the cache driver implementation that is used for metadata caching.
setMetadataDriverImpl ( Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Mapping\Driver\MappingDriver $driverImpl ) Sets the cache driver implementation that is used for metadata caching.
setMetadataResolverImpl ( Doctrine\ODM\CouchDB\Mapping\MetadataResolver\MetadataResolver $resolver )
setMigrations ( Doctrine\ODM\CouchDB\Migrations\DocumentMigration $migration )
setProxyDir ( string $dir ) Sets the directory where Doctrine generates any necessary proxy class files.
setProxyNamespace ( string $namespace ) Sets the namespace for Doctrine proxy class files.
setUUIDGenerationBufferSize ( integer $UUIDGenerationBufferSize ) Sets the default UUID Generator buffer size
setValidateDoctrineMetadata ( boolean $validateDoctrineMetadata ) Sets if all CouchDB document metadata should be validated on read

Method Details

addDesignDocument() public method

public addDesignDocument ( string $name, string $className, array $options )
$name string
$className string
$options array

addDocumentNamespace() public method

Adds a namespace under a certain alias.
public addDocumentNamespace ( string $alias, string $namespace )
$alias string
$namespace string

getAllOrNothingFlush() public method

public getAllOrNothingFlush ( ) : boolean
return boolean

getAutoGenerateProxyClasses() public method

getDesignDocument() public method

public getDesignDocument ( string $name ) : array
$name string
return array

getDesignDocumentNames() public method

public getDesignDocumentNames ( ) : array
return array

getDocumentNamespace() public method

Resolves a registered namespace alias to the full namespace.
public getDocumentNamespace ( string $documentNamespaceAlias ) : string
$documentNamespaceAlias string
return string

getLuceneHandlerName() public method

getMetadataCacheImpl() public method

Gets the cache driver implementation that is used for metadata caching.
public getMetadataCacheImpl ( ) : Doctrine\Common\Cache\Cache
return Doctrine\Common\Cache\Cache

getMetadataDriverImpl() public method

Gets the cache driver implementation that is used for the mapping metadata.
public getMetadataDriverImpl ( ) : Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Mapping\Driver\MappingDriver
return Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Mapping\Driver\MappingDriver

getMetadataResolverImpl() public method

getMigrations() public method

public getMigrations ( ) : Doctrine\ODM\CouchDB\Migrations\NullMigration;
return Doctrine\ODM\CouchDB\Migrations\NullMigration;

getProxyDir() public method

Gets the directory where Doctrine generates any necessary proxy class files.
public getProxyDir ( ) : string
return string

getProxyNamespace() public method

Gets the namespace for Doctrine proxy class files.
public getProxyNamespace ( ) : string
return string

getUUIDGenerationBufferSize() public method

Gets the default UUID Generator buffer size

getValidateDoctrineMetadata() public method

Gets if all CouchDB document metadata should be validated on read

newDefaultAnnotationDriver() public method

Add a new default annotation driver with a correctly configured annotation reader.
public newDefaultAnnotationDriver ( array $paths = [] ) : AnnotationDriver
$paths array
return Doctrine\ODM\CouchDB\Mapping\Driver\AnnotationDriver

setAllOrNothingFlush() public method

public setAllOrNothingFlush ( boolean $allOrNothing )
$allOrNothing boolean

setAutoGenerateProxyClasses() public method

public setAutoGenerateProxyClasses ( $bool )

setDocumentNamespaces() public method

Set the document alias map
public setDocumentNamespaces ( array $documentNamespaces ) : void
$documentNamespaces array
return void

setLuceneHandlerName() public method

public setLuceneHandlerName ( $handlerName = '_fti' )

setMetadataCacheImpl() public method

Sets the cache driver implementation that is used for metadata caching.
public setMetadataCacheImpl ( Doctrine\Common\Cache\Cache $cacheImpl )
$cacheImpl Doctrine\Common\Cache\Cache

setMetadataDriverImpl() public method

Sets the cache driver implementation that is used for metadata caching.
public setMetadataDriverImpl ( Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Mapping\Driver\MappingDriver $driverImpl )
$driverImpl Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Mapping\Driver\MappingDriver

setMetadataResolverImpl() public method

public setMetadataResolverImpl ( Doctrine\ODM\CouchDB\Mapping\MetadataResolver\MetadataResolver $resolver )
$resolver Doctrine\ODM\CouchDB\Mapping\MetadataResolver\MetadataResolver

setMigrations() public method

public setMigrations ( Doctrine\ODM\CouchDB\Migrations\DocumentMigration $migration )
$migration Doctrine\ODM\CouchDB\Migrations\DocumentMigration

setProxyDir() public method

Sets the directory where Doctrine generates any necessary proxy class files.
public setProxyDir ( string $dir )
$dir string

setProxyNamespace() public method

Sets the namespace for Doctrine proxy class files.
public setProxyNamespace ( string $namespace )
$namespace string

setUUIDGenerationBufferSize() public method

Sets the default UUID Generator buffer size
public setUUIDGenerationBufferSize ( integer $UUIDGenerationBufferSize )
$UUIDGenerationBufferSize integer

setValidateDoctrineMetadata() public method

Sets if all CouchDB document metadata should be validated on read
public setValidateDoctrineMetadata ( boolean $validateDoctrineMetadata )
$validateDoctrineMetadata boolean