PHP Class Elgg\Notifications\Event

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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$action * @var string The name of the action/event
$actor * @var ElggEntity User who triggered the event
$object * @var string Action's object

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( ElggDat\ElggData $object, string $action, ElggEntit\ElggEntity $actor = null ) Create a notification event
getAction ( ) : string Get the name of the action
getActor ( ) : ElggEntit\ElggEntity | false | null Get the actor of the event
getActorGUID ( ) : integer Get the GUID of the actor
getDescription ( ) : string Get a description of the event
getObject ( ) : ElggDat\ElggData | false | null Get the object of the event
toObject ( ) : stdClas\stdClass Export the notification event into a serializable object This method is mainly used for logging purposes

Method Details

__construct() public method

Create a notification event
public __construct ( ElggDat\ElggData $object, string $action, ElggEntit\ElggEntity $actor = null )
$object ElggDat\ElggData The object of the event (ElggEntity)
$action string The name of the action (default: create)
$actor ElggEntit\ElggEntity The entity that caused the event (default: logged in user)

getAction() public method

Get the name of the action
public getAction ( ) : string
return string

getActor() public method

Get the actor of the event
public getActor ( ) : ElggEntit\ElggEntity | false | null
return ElggEntit\ElggEntity | false | null

getActorGUID() public method

Get the GUID of the actor
public getActorGUID ( ) : integer
return integer

getDescription() public method

Get a description of the event
public getDescription ( ) : string
return string

getObject() public method

Get the object of the event
public getObject ( ) : ElggDat\ElggData | false | null
return ElggDat\ElggData | false | null

toObject() public method

Export the notification event into a serializable object This method is mainly used for logging purposes
public toObject ( ) : stdClas\stdClass
return stdClas\stdClass

Property Details

$action protected property

* @var string The name of the action/event
protected $action

$actor protected property

* @var ElggEntity User who triggered the event
protected $actor

$object protected property

* @var string Action's object
protected $object