PHP Class eZ\Publish\Core\Persistence\TransformationProcessor\DefinitionBased\Parser

The transformation specifications look like: CF = CF... : Map from one char to one or more chars (map) CF - CF = CF... : Map range of chars to one or more chars (replace) CF - CF +- xx : Transpose several chars by value xx (transpose) CF - CF % yy +- xx : Transpose several chars by value xx, yy denotes skip value yy equal to 1 is the same as 'transpose' (transpose-modulo) TI[,TI...] : CF = Character Format TI = Transform Identifier Character formats: U+xxxx : Unicode value in hexadecimal xx: Ascii value in hexadecimal remove : Remove character from result, can only be used in destination keep : Keep character as it is, can only be used in destination "xxxx" : Multiple characters as a string, can only be used in destination, \\ means \ and \" means "
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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$tokenSpecifications array For readability reasons this array is created in the constructor to be able to use temporary variables.

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( ) Construct.
parse ( string $file ) : array Parse the specified transformation file into an AST.
parseString ( string $string ) : array Parse the given string into an AST.

Protected Methods

Method Description
filterValues ( array $data ) : array Filter out numeric array keys.
tokenize ( string $string ) : array Tokenize transformation input file.

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( )

filterValues() protected method

Filter out numeric array keys.
protected filterValues ( array $data ) : array
$data array
return array

parse() public method

Parse the specified transformation file into an AST.
public parse ( string $file ) : array
$file string
return array

parseString() public method

Parse the given string into an AST.
public parseString ( string $string ) : array
$string string
return array

tokenize() protected method

Returns an array of tokens
protected tokenize ( string $string ) : array
$string string
return array

Property Details

$tokenSpecifications protected property

For readability reasons this array is created in the constructor to be able to use temporary variables.
protected array $tokenSpecifications
return array