PHP Class LdapTools\Ldif\Entry\LdifEntryAdd

Author: Chad Sikorra ([email protected])
Inheritance: implements LdapTools\Ldif\Entry\LdifEntryInterface, implements LdapTools\Schema\SchemaAwareInterface, implements LdapTools\Connection\LdapAwareInterface, use trait LdifEntryTrait, use trait LdapTools\Schema\SchemaAwareTrait, use trait LdapTools\Connection\LdapAwareTrait
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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$attributes The attributes to be sent to LDAP.
$location The OU/container where the LDAP object should be created.

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( string $dn = null, array $attributes = [] )
addAttribute ( string $attribute, mixed $value ) Add an attribute that will be added to the entry going to LDAP.
getAttributes ( ) : array Get the attributes to be sent to LDAP on an add changetype.
getLocation ( ) : null | string Get the location where the LDAP object should be created in LDAP.
setAttributes ( array $attributes ) Set the attributes that will be added to the entry going to LDAP.
setLocation ( string $location ) Set the location of where the LDAP object should be created in LDAP. Only set this when you are using a schema type via the 'setType()' method. Otherwise you must set the full DN via 'setDn()'.
toOperation ( )
toString ( )

Protected Methods

Method Description
unicodePwdHack ( AddOperation $operation ) Workaround AD special cases with the unicodePwd attribute.

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( string $dn = null, array $attributes = [] )
$dn string
$attributes array

addAttribute() public method

Add an attribute that will be added to the entry going to LDAP.
public addAttribute ( string $attribute, mixed $value )
$attribute string
$value mixed

getAttributes() public method

Get the attributes to be sent to LDAP on an add changetype.
public getAttributes ( ) : array
return array

getLocation() public method

Get the location where the LDAP object should be created in LDAP.
public getLocation ( ) : null | string
return null | string

setAttributes() public method

Set the attributes that will be added to the entry going to LDAP.
public setAttributes ( array $attributes )
$attributes array

setLocation() public method

Set the location of where the LDAP object should be created in LDAP. Only set this when you are using a schema type via the 'setType()' method. Otherwise you must set the full DN via 'setDn()'.
public setLocation ( string $location )
$location string

toOperation() public method

public toOperation ( )

toString() public method

public toString ( )

unicodePwdHack() protected method

protected unicodePwdHack ( AddOperation $operation )
$operation LdapTools\Operation\AddOperation

Property Details

$attributes protected property

The attributes to be sent to LDAP.
protected $attributes

$location protected property

The OU/container where the LDAP object should be created.
protected $location