PHP Class lithium\util\Collection

Collection objects can act very much like arrays. This is especially evident in creating new objects, or by converting Collection into an actual array: {{{ $coll = new Collection(); $coll[] = 'foo'; $coll[0] --> 'foo' $coll = new Collection(array('items' => array('foo'))); $coll[0] --> 'foo' $array = $coll->to('array); }}} Apart from array-like data access, Collections allow for filtering and iteration methods: {{{ $coll = new Collection(array('items' => array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4))); $coll->first(); // 1 (the first non-empty value) $coll->current(); // 0 $coll->next(); // 1 $coll->next(); // 2 $coll->next(); // 3 $coll->prev(); // 2 $coll->rewind(); // 0 }}}
Inheritance: extends lithium\core\Object, implements ArrayAccess, implements Iterator, implements Countable
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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$_autoConfig array Allows a collection's items to be automatically assigned from class construction options.
$_data array The items contained in the collection.
$_formats array Accessed via the formats() method.

Public Methods

Method Description
__call ( string $method, array $parameters = [] ) : mixed Hook to handle dispatching of methods against all items in the collection.
append ( mixed $value ) Appends an item.
count ( ) : integer Counts the items of the object.
current ( ) : mixed Returns the current item.
each ( callback $filter ) : Collection Applies a callback to all items in the collection.
end ( ) : mixed Moves forward to the last item.
find ( callback $filter, array $options = [] ) : mixed Filters a copy of the items in the collection.
first ( callback $filter = null ) : mixed Returns the first non-empty value in the collection after a filter is applied, or rewinds the collection and returns the first value.
formats ( string $format, mixed $handler = null ) : mixed Accessor method for adding format handlers to instances and subclasses of Collection.
invoke ( string $method, array $params = [], array $options = [] ) : mixed Handles dispatching of methods against all items in the collection.
key ( ) : scalar Returns the key of the current item.
keys ( ) : array Returns the item keys.
map ( callback $filter, array $options = [] ) : mixed Applies a callback to a copy of all data in the collection and returns the result.
next ( ) : The Move forwards to the next item.
offsetExists ( string $offset ) : boolean Checks whether or not an offset exists.
offsetGet ( string $offset ) : mixed Returns the value at specified offset.
offsetSet ( string $offset, mixed $value ) : mixed Assigns a value to the specified offset.
offsetUnset ( string $offset ) Unsets an offset.
prev ( ) : mixed Moves backward to the previous item. If already at the first item, moves to the last one.
reduce ( callback $reducer, mixed $initial = false ) : mixed Reduce, or fold, a collection down to a single value
respondsTo ( string $method, boolean $internal = false ) : boolean Determines if a given method can be called.
rewind ( ) : mixed Rewinds to the first item.
sort ( string | callable $sorter = 'sort', array $options = [] ) : Collection Sorts the objects in the collection.
to ( string $format, array $options = [] ) : mixed Converts a Collection object to another type of object, or a simple type such as an array.
toArray ( mixed $data, array $options = [] ) : array Exports a Collection instance to an array. Used by Collection::to().
valid ( ) : boolean Checks if current position is valid.

Protected Methods

Method Description
_init ( ) : void Initializes the collection object by merging in collection items and removing redundant object properties.
_to ( $format, &$data, &$options )

Method Details

__call() public method

Hook to handle dispatching of methods against all items in the collection.
public __call ( string $method, array $parameters = [] ) : mixed
$method string
$parameters array
return mixed

_init() protected method

Initializes the collection object by merging in collection items and removing redundant object properties.
protected _init ( ) : void
return void

_to() protected method

protected _to ( $format, &$data, &$options )

append() public method

Appends an item.
public append ( mixed $value )
$value mixed The item to append.

count() public method

Counts the items of the object.
public count ( ) : integer
return integer Returns the number of items in the collection.

current() public method

Returns the current item.
public current ( ) : mixed
return mixed The current item or `false` on failure.

each() public method

Applies a callback to all items in the collection.
public each ( callback $filter ) : Collection
$filter callback The filter to apply.
return Collection This collection instance.

end() public method

Moves forward to the last item.
public end ( ) : mixed
return mixed The current item after moving.

find() public method

Filters a copy of the items in the collection.
public find ( callback $filter, array $options = [] ) : mixed
$filter callback Callback to use for filtering.
$options array The available options are: - `'collect'`: If `true`, the results will be returned wrapped in a new `Collection` object or subclass. Defaults to `true`.
return mixed The filtered items. Will be an array unless `'collect'` is defined in the `$options` argument, then an instance of this class will be returned.

first() public method

Returns the first non-empty value in the collection after a filter is applied, or rewinds the collection and returns the first value.
See also: lithium\util\Collection::rewind()
public first ( callback $filter = null ) : mixed
$filter callback A closure through which collection values will be passed. If the return value of this function is non-empty, it will be returned as the result of the method call. If `null`, the collection is rewound (see `rewind()`) and the first item is returned.
return mixed Returns the first non-empty collection value returned from `$filter`.

formats() public static method

The values assigned are used by Collection::to() to convert Collection instances into different formats, i.e. JSON. This can be accomplished in two ways. First, format handlers may be registered on a case-by-case basis, as in the following: Collection::formats('json', function($collection, $options) { return json_encode($collection->to('array')); }); You can also implement the above as a static class method, and register it as follows: Collection::formats('json', '\my\custom\Formatter::toJson'); Alternatively, you can implement a class that can handle several formats. This class must implement two static methods: - A formats() method, which returns an array indicating what formats it handles. - A to() method, which handles the actual conversion. Once a class implements these methods, it may be registered per the following: Collection::formats('\lithium\net\http\Media'); For reference on how to implement these methods, see the Media class. Once a handler is registered, any instance of Collection or a subclass can be converted to the format(s) supported by the class or handler, using the to() method.
See also: lithium\net\http\Media::to()
See also: lithium\net\http\Media::formats()
See also: lithium\util\Collection::to()
public static formats ( string $format, mixed $handler = null ) : mixed
$format string A string representing the name of the format that a `Collection` can be converted to. This corresponds to the `$format` parameter in the `to()` method. Alternatively, the fully-namespaced class name of a format-handler class.
$handler mixed If `$format` is the name of a format string, `$handler` should be the function that handles the conversion, either an anonymous function, or a reference to a method name in `"Class::method"` form. If `$format` is a class name, can be `null`.
return mixed Returns the value of the format handler assigned.

invoke() public method

Handles dispatching of methods against all items in the collection.
public invoke ( string $method, array $params = [], array $options = [] ) : mixed
$method string The name of the method to call on each instance in the collection.
$params array The parameters to pass on each method call.
$options array Specifies options for how to run the given method against the object collection. The available options are: - `'collect'`: If `true`, the results of this method call will be returned wrapped in a new `Collection` object or subclass. - `'merge'`: Used primarily if the method being invoked returns an array. If set to `true`, merges all results arrays into one.
return mixed Returns either an array of the return values of the methods, or the return values wrapped in a `Collection` instance.

key() public method

Returns the key of the current item.
public key ( ) : scalar
return scalar Scalar on success or `null` on failure.

keys() public method

Returns the item keys.
public keys ( ) : array
return array The keys of the items.

map() public method

Applies a callback to a copy of all data in the collection and returns the result.
public map ( callback $filter, array $options = [] ) : mixed
$filter callback The filter to apply.
$options array The available options are: - `'collect'`: If `true`, the results will be returned wrapped in a new `Collection` object or subclass.
return mixed The filtered items. Will be an array unless `'collect'` is defined in the `$options` argument, then an instance of this class will be returned.

next() public method

Move forwards to the next item.
public next ( ) : The
return The current item after moving or `false` on failure.

offsetExists() public method

Checks whether or not an offset exists.
public offsetExists ( string $offset ) : boolean
$offset string An offset to check for.
return boolean `true` if offset exists, `false` otherwise.

offsetGet() public method

Returns the value at specified offset.
public offsetGet ( string $offset ) : mixed
$offset string The offset to retrieve.
return mixed Value at offset.

offsetSet() public method

Assigns a value to the specified offset.
public offsetSet ( string $offset, mixed $value ) : mixed
$offset string The offset to assign the value to.
$value mixed The value to set.
return mixed The value which was set.

offsetUnset() public method

Unsets an offset.
public offsetUnset ( string $offset )
$offset string The offset to unset.

prev() public method

Moves backward to the previous item. If already at the first item, moves to the last one.
public prev ( ) : mixed
return mixed The current item after moving or the last item on failure.

reduce() public method

Reduce, or fold, a collection down to a single value
public reduce ( callback $reducer, mixed $initial = false ) : mixed
$reducer callback The reduce function, i.e. `function($carry, $item) { return ... }`
$initial mixed Initial value passed to the reduce function as `$carry`, defaults to `false`.
return mixed A single reduced value.

respondsTo() public method

Determines if a given method can be called.
public respondsTo ( string $method, boolean $internal = false ) : boolean
$method string Name of the method.
$internal boolean Provide `true` to perform check from inside the class/object. When `false` checks also for public visibility; defaults to `false`.
return boolean Returns `true` if the method can be called, `false` otherwise.

rewind() public method

Rewinds to the first item.
public rewind ( ) : mixed
return mixed The current item after rewinding.

sort() public method

Sorts the objects in the collection.
public sort ( string | callable $sorter = 'sort', array $options = [] ) : Collection
$sorter string | callable The sorter for the data. Either a callable to use as the sort function or a string with the name of a well-known sort function like `'natsort'` or a compare function like `'strcmp'`. Defaults to `'sort'`.
$options array Reserved for future use.
return Collection Returns itself.

to() public method

The supported values of $format depend on the format handlers registered in the static property Collection::$_formats. The Collection class comes with built-in support for array conversion, but other formats may be registered. Once the appropriate handlers are registered, a Collection instance can be converted into any handler-supported format, i.e.: $collection->to('json'); // returns a JSON string $collection->to('xml'); // returns an XML string _Please note that Lithium does not ship with a default XML handler, but one can be configured easily._
See also: lithium\util\Collection::formats()
See also: lithium\util\Collection::$_formats
public to ( string $format, array $options = [] ) : mixed
$format string By default the only supported value is `'array'`. However, additional format handlers can be registered using the `formats()` method.
$options array Options for converting this collection: - `'internal'` _boolean_: Indicates whether the current internal representation of the collection should be exported. Defaults to `false`, which uses the standard iterator interfaces. This is useful for exporting record sets, where records are lazy-loaded, and the collection must be iterated in order to fetch all objects.
return mixed The object converted to the value specified in `$format`; usually an array or string.

toArray() public static method

Exports a Collection instance to an array. Used by Collection::to().
public static toArray ( mixed $data, array $options = [] ) : array
$data mixed Either a `Collection` instance, or an array representing a `Collection`'s internal state.
$options array Options used when converting `$data` to an array: - `'handlers'` _array_: An array where the keys are fully-namespaced class names, and the values are closures that take an instance of the class as a parameter, and return an array or scalar value that the instance represents.
return array Returns the value of `$data` as a pure PHP array, recursively converting all sub-objects and other values to their closest array or scalar equivalents.

valid() public method

Checks if current position is valid.
public valid ( ) : boolean
return boolean `true` if valid, `false` otherwise.

Property Details

$_autoConfig protected property

Allows a collection's items to be automatically assigned from class construction options.
protected array $_autoConfig
return array

$_data protected property

The items contained in the collection.
protected array $_data
return array

$_formats protected static property

Accessed via the formats() method.
See also: lithium\util\Collection::formats()
protected static array $_formats
return array