PHP Class Neos\Flow\ObjectManagement\Configuration\Configuration

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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$arguments array Arguments of the constructor detected by reflection
$autowiring integer Mode of the autowiring feature. One of the AUTOWIRING_MODE_* constants
$className string Name of the class the object is based on
$configurationSourceHint string Information about where this configuration has been created. Used in error messages to make debugging easier.
$factoryMethodName string Name of the factory method. Only used if $factoryObjectName is set.
$factoryObjectName string If set, specifies the factory object name used to create this object
$lifecycleInitializationMethodName string Name of the method to call during the initialization of the object (after dependencies are injected)
$lifecycleShutdownMethodName string Name of the method to call during the shutdown of the framework
$objectName string Name of the object
$packageKey string Key of the package the specified object is part of
$properties array Array of properties which are injected into the object
$scope string

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( string $objectName, string $className = null ) The constructor
getArguments ( ) : array Returns a sorted array of constructor arguments indexed by position (starting with "1")
getAutowiring ( ) : integer Returns the autowiring mode for the configured object
getClassName ( ) : string Returns the class name
getConfigurationSourceHint ( ) : string Returns some information (if any) about where this configuration has been created.
getFactoryMethodName ( ) : string Returns the factory method name
getFactoryObjectName ( ) : string Returns the class name of the factory for this object, if any
getLifecycleInitializationMethodName ( ) : string Returns the name of the lifecycle initialization method for this object
getLifecycleShutdownMethodName ( ) : string Returns the name of the lifecycle shutdown method for this object
getObjectName ( ) : string Returns the object name
getPackageKey ( ) : string Returns the package key
getProperties ( ) : array Returns the currently set injection properties of the object
getScope ( ) : string Returns the scope for this object
isCreatedByFactory ( ) : boolean Returns true if factoryObjectName and factoryMethodName are defined.
setArgument ( ConfigurationArgument $argument ) : void Setter function for a single constructor argument
setArguments ( array $arguments ) : void Setter function for injection constructor arguments. If an empty array is passed to this method, all (possibly) defined constructor arguments are removed from the configuration.
setAutowiring ( integer $autowiring ) : void Setter function for property "autowiring"
setClassName ( string $className ) : void Setter function for property "className"
setConfigurationSourceHint ( string $hint ) : void Sets some information (hint) about where this configuration has been created.
setFactoryMethodName ( string $methodName ) : void Sets the name of the factory method
setFactoryObjectName ( string $objectName ) : void Sets the class name of a factory which is in charge of instantiating this object
setLifecycleInitializationMethodName ( string $lifecycleInitializationMethodName ) : void Setter function for property "lifecycleInitializationMethodName"
setLifecycleShutdownMethodName ( string $lifecycleShutdownMethodName ) : void Setter function for property "lifecycleShutdownMethodName"
setObjectName ( $objectName ) : void Sets the object name
setPackageKey ( string $packageKey ) : void Sets the package key
setProperties ( array $properties ) : void Setter function for injection properties. If an empty array is passed to this method, all (possibly) defined properties are removed from the configuration.
setProperty ( ConfigurationProperty $property ) : void Setter function for a single injection property
setScope ( integer $scope ) : void Setter function for property "scope"

Method Details

__construct() public method

The constructor
public __construct ( string $objectName, string $className = null )
$objectName string The unique identifier of the object
$className string Name of the class which provides the functionality of this object

getArguments() public method

Returns a sorted array of constructor arguments indexed by position (starting with "1")
public getArguments ( ) : array
return array

getAutowiring() public method

Returns the autowiring mode for the configured object
public getAutowiring ( ) : integer
return integer Value of one of the AUTOWIRING_MODE_* constants

getClassName() public method

Returns the class name
public getClassName ( ) : string
return string Name of the implementing class of this object

getConfigurationSourceHint() public method

Returns some information (if any) about where this configuration has been created.
public getConfigurationSourceHint ( ) : string
return string The hint - e.g. the filename of the configuration file

getFactoryMethodName() public method

Returns the factory method name
public getFactoryMethodName ( ) : string
return string The factory method name

getFactoryObjectName() public method

Returns the class name of the factory for this object, if any
public getFactoryObjectName ( ) : string
return string The factory class name

getLifecycleInitializationMethodName() public method

Returns the name of the lifecycle initialization method for this object
public getLifecycleInitializationMethodName ( ) : string
return string The name of the initialization method

getLifecycleShutdownMethodName() public method

Returns the name of the lifecycle shutdown method for this object
public getLifecycleShutdownMethodName ( ) : string
return string The name of the shutdown method

getObjectName() public method

Returns the object name
public getObjectName ( ) : string
return string object name

getPackageKey() public method

Returns the package key
public getPackageKey ( ) : string
return string Key of the package this object is part of

getProperties() public method

Returns the currently set injection properties of the object
public getProperties ( ) : array
return array

getScope() public method

Returns the scope for this object
public getScope ( ) : string
return string The scope, one of the SCOPE constants

isCreatedByFactory() public method

Returns true if factoryObjectName and factoryMethodName are defined.
public isCreatedByFactory ( ) : boolean
return boolean

setArgument() public method

Setter function for a single constructor argument
public setArgument ( ConfigurationArgument $argument ) : void
$argument ConfigurationArgument The argument
return void

setArguments() public method

Setter function for injection constructor arguments. If an empty array is passed to this method, all (possibly) defined constructor arguments are removed from the configuration.
public setArguments ( array $arguments ) : void
$arguments array
return void

setAutowiring() public method

Setter function for property "autowiring"
public setAutowiring ( integer $autowiring ) : void
$autowiring integer One of the AUTOWIRING_MODE_* constants
return void

setClassName() public method

Setter function for property "className"
public setClassName ( string $className ) : void
$className string Name of the class which provides the functionality for this object
return void

setConfigurationSourceHint() public method

Sets some information (hint) about where this configuration has been created.
public setConfigurationSourceHint ( string $hint ) : void
$hint string The hint - e.g. the filename of the configuration file
return void

setFactoryMethodName() public method

Sets the name of the factory method
public setFactoryMethodName ( string $methodName ) : void
$methodName string The factory method name
return void

setFactoryObjectName() public method

Sets the class name of a factory which is in charge of instantiating this object
public setFactoryObjectName ( string $objectName ) : void
$objectName string Valid object name of a factory
return void

setLifecycleInitializationMethodName() public method

Setter function for property "lifecycleInitializationMethodName"
public setLifecycleInitializationMethodName ( string $lifecycleInitializationMethodName ) : void
$lifecycleInitializationMethodName string Name of the method to call after setter injection
return void

setLifecycleShutdownMethodName() public method

Setter function for property "lifecycleShutdownMethodName"
public setLifecycleShutdownMethodName ( string $lifecycleShutdownMethodName ) : void
$lifecycleShutdownMethodName string Name of the method to call during shutdown of the framework
return void

setObjectName() public method

Sets the object name
public setObjectName ( $objectName ) : void
return void

setPackageKey() public method

Sets the package key
public setPackageKey ( string $packageKey ) : void
$packageKey string Key of the package this object is part of
return void

setProperties() public method

Setter function for injection properties. If an empty array is passed to this method, all (possibly) defined properties are removed from the configuration.
public setProperties ( array $properties ) : void
$properties array Array of ConfigurationProperty
return void

setProperty() public method

Setter function for a single injection property
public setProperty ( ConfigurationProperty $property ) : void
$property ConfigurationProperty
return void

setScope() public method

Setter function for property "scope"
public setScope ( integer $scope ) : void
$scope integer Name of the scope
return void

Property Details

$arguments protected property

Arguments of the constructor detected by reflection
protected array $arguments
return array

$autowiring protected property

Mode of the autowiring feature. One of the AUTOWIRING_MODE_* constants
protected int $autowiring
return integer

$className protected property

Name of the class the object is based on
protected string $className
return string

$configurationSourceHint protected property

Information about where this configuration has been created. Used in error messages to make debugging easier.
protected string $configurationSourceHint
return string

$factoryMethodName protected property

Name of the factory method. Only used if $factoryObjectName is set.
protected string $factoryMethodName
return string

$factoryObjectName protected property

If set, specifies the factory object name used to create this object
protected string $factoryObjectName
return string

$lifecycleInitializationMethodName protected property

Name of the method to call during the initialization of the object (after dependencies are injected)
protected string $lifecycleInitializationMethodName
return string

$lifecycleShutdownMethodName protected property

Name of the method to call during the shutdown of the framework
protected string $lifecycleShutdownMethodName
return string

$objectName protected property

Name of the object
protected string $objectName
return string

$packageKey protected property

Key of the package the specified object is part of
protected string $packageKey
return string

$properties protected property

Array of properties which are injected into the object
protected array $properties
return array

$scope protected property

protected string $scope
return string