PHP Class Neos\Flow\Tests\Persistence\Fixture\Model\CleanEntity

Inheritance: implements Neos\Flow\Aop\ProxyInterface
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
$someInteger integer
$someString string Just a normal string

Public Methods

Method Description
Flow_Aop_Proxy_invokeJoinPoint ( Neos\Flow\Aop\JoinPointInterface $joinPoint ) : mixed Invokes the joinpoint - calls the target methods.
Flow_Persistence_isDirty ( ) : boolean Returns TRUE as this is a DirtyEntity
Flow_Persistence_memorizeCleanState ( string $propertyName = null ) : void Dummy method for mock creation
__wakeup ( ) A stub to satisfy the Flow Proxy Interface

Method Details

Flow_Aop_Proxy_invokeJoinPoint() public method

Invokes the joinpoint - calls the target methods.
public Flow_Aop_Proxy_invokeJoinPoint ( Neos\Flow\Aop\JoinPointInterface $joinPoint ) : mixed
$joinPoint Neos\Flow\Aop\JoinPointInterface The join point
return mixed Result of the target (ie. original) method

Flow_Persistence_isDirty() public method

Returns TRUE as this is a DirtyEntity

Flow_Persistence_memorizeCleanState() public method

Dummy method for mock creation
public Flow_Persistence_memorizeCleanState ( string $propertyName = null ) : void
$propertyName string
return void

__wakeup() public method

A stub to satisfy the Flow Proxy Interface
public __wakeup ( )

Property Details

$someInteger public property

public int $someInteger
return integer

$someString public property

Just a normal string
public string $someString
return string