PHP Class Neos\Neos\Command\DomainCommandController

Inheritance: extends Neos\Flow\Cli\CommandController
Show file Open project: neos/neos-development-collection

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$domainRepository Neos\Neos\Domain\Repository\DomainRepository
$siteRepository Neos\Neos\Domain\Repository\SiteRepository
$validatorResolver Neos\Flow\Validation\ValidatorResolver

Public Methods

Method Description
activateCommand ( string $hostname ) : void Activate a domain record by hostname
addCommand ( string $siteNodeName, string $hostname, string $scheme = null, integer $port = null ) : void Add a domain record
deactivateCommand ( string $hostname ) : void Deactivate a domain record by hostname
deleteCommand ( string $hostname ) : void Delete a domain record by hostname
listCommand ( string $hostname = null ) : void Display a list of available domain records

Method Details

activateCommand() public method

Activate a domain record by hostname
public activateCommand ( string $hostname ) : void
$hostname string The hostname to activate
return void

addCommand() public method

Add a domain record
public addCommand ( string $siteNodeName, string $hostname, string $scheme = null, integer $port = null ) : void
$siteNodeName string The nodeName of the site rootNode, e.g. "neostypo3org"
$hostname string The hostname to match on, e.g. ""
$scheme string The scheme for linking (http/https)
$port integer The port for linking (0-49151)
return void

deactivateCommand() public method

Deactivate a domain record by hostname
public deactivateCommand ( string $hostname ) : void
$hostname string The hostname to deactivate
return void

deleteCommand() public method

Delete a domain record by hostname
public deleteCommand ( string $hostname ) : void
$hostname string The hostname to remove
return void

listCommand() public method

Display a list of available domain records
public listCommand ( string $hostname = null ) : void
$hostname string An optional hostname to search for
return void

Property Details

$domainRepository protected property

protected DomainRepository,Neos\Neos\Domain\Repository $domainRepository
return Neos\Neos\Domain\Repository\DomainRepository

$siteRepository protected property

protected SiteRepository,Neos\Neos\Domain\Repository $siteRepository
return Neos\Neos\Domain\Repository\SiteRepository

$validatorResolver protected property

protected ValidatorResolver,Neos\Flow\Validation $validatorResolver
return Neos\Flow\Validation\ValidatorResolver