PHP Class ParaTest\Runners\PHPUnit\Configuration

Stores information about the phpunit xml configuration being used to run tests
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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$path string Path to the configuration file
$suites array A collection of datastructures build from the nodes inside of a PHPUnit configuration
$xml SimpleXMLElement

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( $path )
__toString ( ) : string Converting the configuration to a string returns the configuration path
getBootstrap ( ) : string Get the bootstrap PHPUnit configuration attribute
getConfigDir ( ) : string Return the path of the directory that contains the phpunit configuration
getPath ( ) : string Returns the path to the phpunit configuration file
getSuiteByName ( string $suiteName ) : SuitePath[] | null Return the contents of the nodes contained in a PHPUnit configuration
getSuitePaths ( $path ) : array | string[] Returns a suite paths relative to the config file
getSuites ( ) : SuitePath[][] | null Return the contents of the nodes contained in a PHPUnit configuration
isGlobRequired ( string $path ) : boolean Returns true if path needs globbing (like a /path/*-to/string)

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( $path )

__toString() public method

Converting the configuration to a string returns the configuration path
public __toString ( ) : string
return string

getBootstrap() public method

Get the bootstrap PHPUnit configuration attribute
public getBootstrap ( ) : string
return string The bootstrap attribute or empty string if not set

getConfigDir() public method

Return the path of the directory that contains the phpunit configuration
public getConfigDir ( ) : string
return string

getPath() public method

Returns the path to the phpunit configuration file
public getPath ( ) : string
return string

getSuiteByName() public method

Return the contents of the nodes contained in a PHPUnit configuration
public getSuiteByName ( string $suiteName ) : SuitePath[] | null
$suiteName string
return SuitePath[] | null

getSuitePaths() public method

Returns a suite paths relative to the config file
public getSuitePaths ( $path ) : array | string[]
return array | string[]

getSuites() public method

Return the contents of the nodes contained in a PHPUnit configuration
public getSuites ( ) : SuitePath[][] | null
return SuitePath[][] | null

isGlobRequired() public method

Returns true if path needs globbing (like a /path/*-to/string)
public isGlobRequired ( string $path ) : boolean
$path string
return boolean

Property Details

$availableNodes protected property

protected $availableNodes

$path protected property

Path to the configuration file
protected string $path
return string

$suites protected property

A collection of datastructures build from the nodes inside of a PHPUnit configuration
protected array $suites
return array

$xml protected property

protected SimpleXMLElement $xml
return SimpleXMLElement