PHP Class PayPal\EBLBaseComponents\BAUpdateResponseDetailsType

Inheritance: extends PayPal\Core\PPXmlMessage
Show file Open project: paypal/merchant-sdk-php

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$BillingAddress AddressType Customer's billing address. Optional If you have credit card mapped in your account then billing address of the credit card is returned otherwise your primary address is returned , PayPal returns this address in BAUpdateResponseDetails.
$BillingAgreementCustom string
$BillingAgreementDescription string
$BillingAgreementID string
$BillingAgreementMax PayPal\CoreComponentTypes\BasicAmountType
$BillingAgreementStatus string
$PayerInfo PayerInfoType

Property Details

$BillingAddress public property

Customer's billing address. Optional If you have credit card mapped in your account then billing address of the credit card is returned otherwise your primary address is returned , PayPal returns this address in BAUpdateResponseDetails.
public AddressType,PayPal\EBLBaseComponents $BillingAddress
return AddressType

$BillingAgreementCustom public property

public string $BillingAgreementCustom
return string

$BillingAgreementDescription public property

public string $BillingAgreementDescription
return string

$BillingAgreementID public property

public string $BillingAgreementID
return string

$BillingAgreementMax public property

public BasicAmountType,PayPal\CoreComponentTypes $BillingAgreementMax
return PayPal\CoreComponentTypes\BasicAmountType

$BillingAgreementStatus public property

public string $BillingAgreementStatus
return string

$PayerInfo public property

public PayerInfoType,PayPal\EBLBaseComponents $PayerInfo
return PayerInfoType