Example array structure for all supported operation types:
[ 'deleteMany' => [ $filter ] ],
[ 'deleteOne' => [ $filter ] ],
[ 'insertOne' => [ $document ] ],
[ 'replaceOne' => [ $filter, $replacement, $options ] ],
[ 'updateMany' => [ $filter, $update, $options ] ],
[ 'updateOne' => [ $filter, $update, $options ] ],
Arguments correspond to the respective Operation classes; however, the
writeConcern option is specified for the top-level bulk write operation
instead of each individual operation.
Supported options for replaceOne, updateMany, and updateOne operations:
* upsert (boolean): When true, a new document is created if no document
matches the query. The default is false.
Supported options for the bulk write operation:
* bypassDocumentValidation (boolean): If true, allows the write to opt
out of document level validation.
* ordered (boolean): If true, when an insert fails, return without
performing the remaining writes. If false, when a write fails,
continue with the remaining writes, if any. The default is true.
* writeConcern (MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern): Write concern.