PHP Class Pimcore\Model\Object\Data\KeyValue

Inheritance: extends Pimcore\Model\AbstractModel
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
$arr array
$class Pimcore\Model\Object\ClassDefinition
$objectId integer

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$multivalent Whether multivalent values are allowed.

Public Methods

Method Description
__call ( $name, $arguments ) : array | mixed | null | void
__construct ( )
__toString ( ) : string
deleteEntryByKeyId ( $keyId ) deletes an entry with the given keyId if the entry exists
getClass ( ) : ClassDefinition
getEntryByKeyId ( $keyId ) : array | null
getInternalProperties ( ) : array
getKeyId ( $propName, null $groupId = null ) : integer
getKeyvaluepairsByGroup ( $groupName ) : array
getMultivalent ( )
getObjectId ( ) : integer
getProperties ( boolean $forEditMode = false ) : array
getProperty ( $propName, null $groupId = null ) : array | null
setClass ( ClassDefinition $class )
setMultivalent ( $multivalent )
setObjectId ( $objectId )
setProperties ( $arr )
setProperty ( $propName, $value )
setPropertyWithId ( $keyId, $value, boolean $fromGrid = false ) : KeyValue Sets the value of the property with the given id
setValueWithKeyId ( $keyId, $value )

Private Methods

Method Description
getTranslatedValue ( $keyId, $value ) : string

Method Details

__call() public method

public __call ( $name, $arguments ) : array | mixed | null | void
return array | mixed | null | void

__construct() public method

public __construct ( )

__toString() public method

public __toString ( ) : string
return string

deleteEntryByKeyId() public method

deletes an entry with the given keyId if the entry exists
public deleteEntryByKeyId ( $keyId )

getClass() public method

public getClass ( ) : ClassDefinition
return Pimcore\Model\Object\ClassDefinition

getEntryByKeyId() public method

public getEntryByKeyId ( $keyId ) : array | null
return array | null

getInternalProperties() public method

public getInternalProperties ( ) : array
return array

getKeyId() public method

public getKeyId ( $propName, null $groupId = null ) : integer
$groupId null
return integer

getKeyvaluepairsByGroup() public method

public getKeyvaluepairsByGroup ( $groupName ) : array
return array

getMultivalent() public method

public getMultivalent ( )

getObjectId() public method

public getObjectId ( ) : integer
return integer

getProperties() public method

public getProperties ( boolean $forEditMode = false ) : array
$forEditMode boolean
return array

getProperty() public method

public getProperty ( $propName, null $groupId = null ) : array | null
$groupId null
return array | null

setClass() public method

public setClass ( ClassDefinition $class )
$class Pimcore\Model\Object\ClassDefinition

setMultivalent() public method

public setMultivalent ( $multivalent )

setObjectId() public method

public setObjectId ( $objectId )

setProperties() public method

public setProperties ( $arr )

setProperty() public method

public setProperty ( $propName, $value )

setPropertyWithId() public method

Sets the value of the property with the given id
public setPropertyWithId ( $keyId, $value, boolean $fromGrid = false ) : KeyValue
$keyId the id of the key
$value the value
$fromGrid boolean if true then the data is coming from the grid, we have to check if the value needs to be translated
return KeyValue the resulting object

setValueWithKeyId() public method

public setValueWithKeyId ( $keyId, $value )

Property Details

$arr public property

public array $arr
return array

$class public property

public ClassDefinition,Pimcore\Model\Object $class
return Pimcore\Model\Object\ClassDefinition

$multivalent protected property

Whether multivalent values are allowed.
protected $multivalent

$objectId public property

public int $objectId
return integer