PHP Class Pressbooks\Modules\ThemeOptions\MPDFOptions

Inheritance: extends Pressbooks\Options
Show file Open project: pressbooks/pressbooks

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$currentVersion integer The value for option: pressbooks_theme_options_mpdf_version
$defaults array PDF theme defaults.
$options array PDF theme options.

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( array $options ) Constructor.
display ( ) Display the mPDF options tab description.
filterDefaults ( array $defaults ) : array Filter the array of default values for the mPDF options tab.
getBooleanOptions ( ) : array Get an array of options which return booleans.
getDefaults ( ) : array Get an array of default values for the mPDF options tab.
getIntegerOptions ( ) : array Get an array of options which return integers.
getPredefinedOptions ( ) : array Get an array of options which return predefined values.
getSlug ( ) : string Get the slug for the mPDF options tab.
getTitle ( ) : string Get the localized title of the mPDF options tab.
init ( ) Configure the mPDF options tab using the settings API.
render ( ) Render the mPDF options tab form (NOT USED).
renderCoverImageField ( array $args ) Render the mpdf_include_cover checkbox.
renderFontSizeField ( array $args ) Render the mpdf_fontsize checkbox.
renderHyphensField ( array $args ) Render the mpdf_hyphens checkbox.
renderIndentParagraphsField ( array $args ) Render the mpdf_indent_paragraphs checkbox.
renderLeftMarginField ( array $args ) Render the mpdf_margin_left input.
renderMirrorMarginsField ( array $args ) Render the mpdf_mirror_margins checkbox.
renderPageSizeField ( array $args ) Render the mpdf_page_size input.
renderRightMarginField ( array $args ) Render the mpdf_margin_right input.
renderTOCField ( array $args ) Render the mpdf_include_toc checkbox.
upgrade ( integer $version ) Upgrade handler for mPDF options (none at present).

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( array $options )
$options array

display() public method

Display the mPDF options tab description.
public display ( )

filterDefaults() static public method

Filter the array of default values for the mPDF options tab.
static public filterDefaults ( array $defaults ) : array
$defaults array
return array $defaults

getBooleanOptions() static public method

Get an array of options which return booleans.
static public getBooleanOptions ( ) : array
return array $options

getDefaults() static public method

Get an array of default values for the mPDF options tab.
static public getDefaults ( ) : array
return array $defaults

getIntegerOptions() static public method

Get an array of options which return integers.
static public getIntegerOptions ( ) : array
return array $options

getPredefinedOptions() static public method

Get an array of options which return predefined values.
static public getPredefinedOptions ( ) : array
return array $options

getSlug() static public method

Get the slug for the mPDF options tab.
static public getSlug ( ) : string
return string $slug

getTitle() static public method

Get the localized title of the mPDF options tab.
static public getTitle ( ) : string
return string $title

init() public method

Configure the mPDF options tab using the settings API.
public init ( )

render() public method

Render the mPDF options tab form (NOT USED).
public render ( )

renderCoverImageField() public method

Render the mpdf_include_cover checkbox.
public renderCoverImageField ( array $args )
$args array

renderFontSizeField() public method

Render the mpdf_fontsize checkbox.
public renderFontSizeField ( array $args )
$args array

renderHyphensField() public method

Render the mpdf_hyphens checkbox.
public renderHyphensField ( array $args )
$args array

renderIndentParagraphsField() public method

Render the mpdf_indent_paragraphs checkbox.
public renderIndentParagraphsField ( array $args )
$args array

renderLeftMarginField() public method

Render the mpdf_margin_left input.
public renderLeftMarginField ( array $args )
$args array

renderMirrorMarginsField() public method

Render the mpdf_mirror_margins checkbox.
public renderMirrorMarginsField ( array $args )
$args array

renderPageSizeField() public method

Render the mpdf_page_size input.
public renderPageSizeField ( array $args )
$args array

renderRightMarginField() public method

Render the mpdf_margin_right input.
public renderRightMarginField ( array $args )
$args array

renderTOCField() public method

Render the mpdf_include_toc checkbox.
public renderTOCField ( array $args )
$args array

upgrade() public method

Upgrade handler for mPDF options (none at present).
public upgrade ( integer $version )
$version integer

Property Details

$currentVersion static public property

The value for option: pressbooks_theme_options_mpdf_version
See also: upgrade()
static public int $currentVersion
return integer

$defaults public property

PDF theme defaults.
public array $defaults
return array

$options public property

PDF theme options.
public array $options
return array