PHP Class TQ\Git\StreamWrapper\PathFactory

Inheritance: extends TQ\Vcs\StreamWrapper\AbstractPathFactory
Show file Open project: teqneers/php-stream-wrapper-for-git

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$git TQ\Git\Cli\Binary The Git binary

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( string $protocol, Binary | string | null $git = null, RepositoryRegistry $map = null ) Creates a path factory

Protected Methods

Method Description
createRepositoryForPath ( string $path ) : TQ\Vcs\Repository\RepositoryInterface Creates a new Repository instance for the given path

Method Details

__construct() public method

Creates a path factory
public __construct ( string $protocol, Binary | string | null $git = null, RepositoryRegistry $map = null )
$protocol string The protocol (such as "git")
$git TQ\Git\Cli\Binary | string | null The Git binary
$map TQ\Vcs\StreamWrapper\RepositoryRegistry The repository registry

createRepositoryForPath() protected method

Creates a new Repository instance for the given path
protected createRepositoryForPath ( string $path ) : TQ\Vcs\Repository\RepositoryInterface
$path string The path
return TQ\Vcs\Repository\RepositoryInterface

Property Details

$git protected property

The Git binary
protected Binary,TQ\Git\Cli $git
return TQ\Git\Cli\Binary