Method |
Description |
__construct ( Configuration $config, CommandLine $cli, Filesystem $files ) |
Create a new Site instance. |
buildSecureCaddyfile ( string $url ) : string |
Build the TLS secured Caddyfile for the given URL. |
certificatesPath ( ) : string |
Get the path to the Valet TLS certificates. |
createCertificate ( string $url ) : void |
Create and trust a certificate for the given URL. |
createPrivateKey ( string $keyPath ) : void |
Create the private key for the TLS certificate. |
createSigningRequest ( $url, string $keyPath, $csrPath ) : void |
Create the signing request for the TLS certificate. |
host ( string $path ) : string | null |
Get the real hostname for the given path, checking links. |
link ( string $target, string $link ) : string |
Link the current working directory with the given name. |
pruneLinks ( ) : void |
Remove all broken symbolic links. |
resecureForNewDomain ( string $oldDomain, string $domain ) : void |
Resecure all currently secured sites with a fresh domain. |
secure ( string $url ) : void |
Secure the given host with TLS. |
secured ( ) : array |
Get all of the URLs that are currently secured. |
sitesPath ( ) : string |
Get the path to the linked Valet sites. |
trustCertificate ( string $crtPath ) : void |
Trust the given certificate file in the Mac Keychain. |
unlink ( string $name ) : void |
Unlink the given symbolic link. |
unsecure ( string $url ) : void |
Unsecure the given URL so that it will use HTTP again. |