PHP Class Webmozart\Expression\Selector\Method

Since: 1.0
Author: Bernhard Schussek ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Selector
Show file Open project: webmozart/expression Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( string $methodName, array $arguments, Webmozart\Expression\Expression $expr ) Creates the expression.
equivalentTo ( Webmozart\Expression\Expression $other )
evaluate ( $value )
getArguments ( ) : array Returns the method arguments.
getMethodName ( ) : string Returns the method name.
toString ( )

Method Details

__construct() public method

Creates the expression.
public __construct ( string $methodName, array $arguments, Webmozart\Expression\Expression $expr )
$methodName string The name of the method to call.
$arguments array The arguments to pass to the method.
$expr Webmozart\Expression\Expression The expression to evaluate for the result.

equivalentTo() public method

public equivalentTo ( Webmozart\Expression\Expression $other )
$other Webmozart\Expression\Expression

evaluate() public method

public evaluate ( $value )

getArguments() public method

Returns the method arguments.
public getArguments ( ) : array
return array The method arguments.

getMethodName() public method

Returns the method name.
public getMethodName ( ) : string
return string The method name.

toString() public method

public toString ( )