PHP Class yii\base\Action

Action provides a way to reuse action method code. An action method in an Action class can be used in multiple controllers or in different projects. Derived classes must implement a method named run(). This method will be invoked by the controller when the action is requested. The run() method can have parameters which will be filled up with user input values automatically according to their names. For example, if the run() method is declared as follows: php public function run($id, $type = 'book') { ... } And the parameters provided for the action are: ['id' => 1]. Then the run() method will be invoked as run(1) automatically. For more details and usage information on Action, see the guide article on actions.
Since: 2.0
Author: Qiang Xue ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Component
Show file Open project: yiisoft/yii2 Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$controller the controller that owns this action
$id ID of the action

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( string $id, Controller $controller, array $config = [] ) Constructor.
getUniqueId ( ) : string Returns the unique ID of this action among the whole application.
runWithParams ( array $params ) : mixed Runs this action with the specified parameters.

Protected Methods

Method Description
afterRun ( ) This method is called right after run() is executed.
beforeRun ( ) : boolean This method is called right before run() is executed.

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( string $id, Controller $controller, array $config = [] )
$id string the ID of this action
$controller Controller the controller that owns this action
$config array name-value pairs that will be used to initialize the object properties

afterRun() protected method

You may override this method to do post-processing work for the action run.
protected afterRun ( )

beforeRun() protected method

You may override this method to do preparation work for the action run. If the method returns false, it will cancel the action.
protected beforeRun ( ) : boolean
return boolean whether to run the action.

getUniqueId() public method

Returns the unique ID of this action among the whole application.
public getUniqueId ( ) : string
return string the unique ID of this action among the whole application.

runWithParams() public method

This method is mainly invoked by the controller.
public runWithParams ( array $params ) : mixed
$params array the parameters to be bound to the action's run() method.
return mixed the result of the action

Property Details

$controller public property

the controller that owns this action
public $controller

$id public property

ID of the action
public $id