PHP Class yii\base\ErrorException

For more details and usage information on ErrorException, see the guide article on handling errors.
Since: 2.0
Author: Alexander Makarov ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends ErrorException
Show file Open project: yiisoft/yii2 Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( $message = '', $code, $severity = 1, $filename = __FILE__, $lineno = __LINE__, Exception $previous = null ) Constructs the exception.
getName ( ) : string
isFatalError ( array $error ) : boolean Returns if error is one of fatal type.

Method Details

__construct() public method

Constructs the exception.
public __construct ( $message = '', $code, $severity = 1, $filename = __FILE__, $lineno = __LINE__, Exception $previous = null )
$message [optional]
$code [optional]
$severity [optional]
$filename [optional]
$lineno [optional]
$previous Exception [optional]

getName() public method

public getName ( ) : string
return string the user-friendly name of this exception

isFatalError() public static method

Returns if error is one of fatal type.
public static isFatalError ( array $error ) : boolean
$error array error got from error_get_last()
return boolean if error is one of fatal type