PHP Class GBComments, gitblog

Inheritance: extends GBContent, implements IteratorAggregate, implements Countable
Datei anzeigen Open project: rsms/gitblog Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$_countTotal # these two are not serialized, but lazy-initialized by count()
$comments .]

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( $name = null, $id = null, $cachenamePrefix = null, $comments = null )
__sleep ( )
cachename ( )
count ( $c = null ) Recursively count how many comments are in the $comments member
countApproved ( $topological = true )
countShadowed ( ) Number of comments which are approved -- by their parent comments are not -- thus they are topologically speaking shadowed, or hidden.
countSpam ( )
countUnapproved ( $excluding_spam = true )
find ( $cachenamePrefix )
getIterator ( $onlyApproved = true ) # implementation of IteratorAggregate
reload ( $data, $commits )
toBlob ( )

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( $name = null, $id = null, $cachenamePrefix = null, $comments = null )

__sleep() public method

public __sleep ( )

cachename() public method

public cachename ( )

count() public method

Recursively count how many comments are in the $comments member
public count ( $c = null )

countApproved() public method

public countApproved ( $topological = true )

countShadowed() public method

Number of comments which are approved -- by their parent comments are not -- thus they are topologically speaking shadowed, or hidden.
public countShadowed ( )

countSpam() public method

public countSpam ( )

countUnapproved() public method

public countUnapproved ( $excluding_spam = true )

find() static public method

static public find ( $cachenamePrefix )

getIterator() public method

# implementation of IteratorAggregate
public getIterator ( $onlyApproved = true )

reload() public method

public reload ( $data, $commits )

toBlob() public method

public toBlob ( )

Property Details

$_countApproved public_oe property

public $_countApproved

$_countApprovedTopo public_oe property

public $_countApprovedTopo

$_countSpam public_oe property

public $_countSpam

$_countTotal public_oe property

# these two are not serialized, but lazy-initialized by count()
public $_countTotal

$cachenamePrefix public_oe property

public $cachenamePrefix

$comments public_oe property

public $comments