PHP Class Horde_ActiveSync_Credentials, horde

Author: Michael J Rubinsky ([email protected])
Datei anzeigen Open project: horde/horde

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$_credentials array The user's credentials. Username is in index 0 and password is in index 1.
$_server Horde_ActiveSync The server object.

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( Horde_ActiveSync $server ) Const'r
__get ( $property ) : string | boolean Accessor
__set ( $property, $value )

Protected Methods

Method Description
_getCredentials ( ) : array Return the username and password to use for authentication.

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( Horde_ActiveSync $server )
$server Horde_ActiveSync The server object.

__get() public method

public __get ( $property ) : string | boolean
return string | boolean The value of the requested property, or false if it does not exist.

__set() public method

public __set ( $property, $value )

_getCredentials() protected method

Return the username and password to use for authentication.
protected _getCredentials ( ) : array
return array The username in index 0 and password in index 1.

Property Details

$_credentials protected_oe property

The user's credentials. Username is in index 0 and password is in index 1.
protected array $_credentials
return array

$_server protected_oe property

The server object.
protected Horde_ActiveSync $_server
return Horde_ActiveSync