PHP Class Horde_ActiveSync_Message_AirSyncBaseLocation, horde

Author: Michael J Rubinsky ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Horde_ActiveSync_Message_Base
Datei anzeigen Open project: horde/horde

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$_mapping array Property map
$_properties array Property values

Public Methods

Method Description
getClass ( ) : string Return the message type.

Protected Methods

Method Description
_checkEncoding ( mixed $data, string $tag ) : mixed Checks if the data needs to be encoded like e.g., when outputing binary data in-line during ITEMOPERATIONS requests.

Method Details

_checkEncoding() protected method

Checks if the data needs to be encoded like e.g., when outputing binary data in-line during ITEMOPERATIONS requests.
protected _checkEncoding ( mixed $data, string $tag ) : mixed
$data mixed The data to check. A string or stream resource.
$tag string The tag we are outputing.
return mixed The encoded data. A string or stream resource with a filter attached.

getClass() public method

Return the message type.
public getClass ( ) : string
return string

Property Details

$_mapping protected_oe property

Property map
protected array $_mapping
return array

$_properties protected_oe property

Property values
protected array $_properties
return array