PHP Class Horde_ActiveSync_Request_Sync, horde

Author: Michael J Rubinsky ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Horde_ActiveSync_Request_SyncBase
Datei anzeigen Open project: horde/horde

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$_collections Horde_ActiveSync_Collections Collections manager.

Public Methods

Method Description
_parseSyncOptions ( array &$collection ) Helper method to handle incoming OPTIONS nodes.

Protected Methods

Method Description
_handle ( ) : boolean Handle the sync request
_handleError ( array $collection ) Helper for handling sync errors
_handleGlobalSyncError ( boolean $limit = false ) Helper for sending error status results.
_parseSyncCommands ( array &$collection ) : boolean Handle incoming SYNC nodes
_parseSyncFolders ( ) Helper method for parsing incoming SYNC_FOLDERS nodes.
_sendOverWindowResponse ( $collection )

Method Details

_handle() protected method

Handle the sync request
protected _handle ( ) : boolean
return boolean

_handleError() protected method

Helper for handling sync errors
protected _handleError ( array $collection )
$collection array

_handleGlobalSyncError() protected method

Helper for sending error status results.
protected _handleGlobalSyncError ( boolean $limit = false )
$limit boolean Send the SYNC_LIMIT error if true.

_parseSyncCommands() protected method

Handle incoming SYNC nodes
protected _parseSyncCommands ( array &$collection ) : boolean
$collection array The current collection array.
return boolean

_parseSyncFolders() protected method

Helper method for parsing incoming SYNC_FOLDERS nodes.
protected _parseSyncFolders ( )

_parseSyncOptions() public method

Helper method to handle incoming OPTIONS nodes.
public _parseSyncOptions ( array &$collection )
$collection array The current collection array.

_sendOverWindowResponse() protected method

protected _sendOverWindowResponse ( $collection )

Property Details

$_collections protected_oe property

Collections manager.
protected Horde_ActiveSync_Collections $_collections
return Horde_ActiveSync_Collections