PHP Class Horde_Imap_Client_Data_Capability, horde

Since: 2.24.0
Author: Michael Slusarz ([email protected])
Inheritance: implements Serializable, implements SplSubject
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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$_data array Capability data.
$_observers array Observers.

Public Methods

Method Description
add ( string $capability, mixed $params = null ) Add a capability (and optional parameters).
attach ( SplObserver $observer )
detach ( SplObserver $observer )
getParams ( string $capability ) : array Return the list of parameters for an extension.
isEnabled ( string $capability = null ) : mixed Is the extension enabled?
notify ( ) Notification is triggered internally whenever the object's internal data storage is altered.
query ( string $capability, string $parameter = null ) : boolean Returns whether the server supports the given capability.
remove ( string $capability, string $params = null ) Remove a capability.
serialize ( )
toArray ( ) : array Returns the raw data.
unserialize ( $data )

Method Details

add() public method

Add a capability (and optional parameters).
public add ( string $capability, mixed $params = null )
$capability string The capability to add.
$params mixed A parameter (or array of parameters) to add.

attach() public method

public attach ( SplObserver $observer )
$observer SplObserver

detach() public method

public detach ( SplObserver $observer )
$observer SplObserver

getParams() public method

Return the list of parameters for an extension.
public getParams ( string $capability ) : array
$capability string The capability string to query.
return array An array of parameters if the extension exists and supports parameters. Otherwise, an empty array.

isEnabled() public method

Is the extension enabled?
public isEnabled ( string $capability = null ) : mixed
$capability string The extension (+ parameter) to query. If null, returns all enabled extensions.
return mixed If $capability is null, return all enabled extensions. Otherwise, true if the extension (+ parameter) is enabled.

notify() public method

Notification is triggered internally whenever the object's internal data storage is altered.
public notify ( )

query() public method

Returns whether the server supports the given capability.
public query ( string $capability, string $parameter = null ) : boolean
$capability string The capability string to query.
$parameter string If set, require the parameter to exist.
return boolean True if the capability (and parameter) exist.

remove() public method

Remove a capability.
public remove ( string $capability, string $params = null )
$capability string The capability to remove.
$params string A parameter (or array of parameters) to remove from the capability.

serialize() public method

public serialize ( )

toArray() public method

Returns the raw data.
public toArray ( ) : array
return array Capability data.

unserialize() public method

public unserialize ( $data )

Property Details

$_data protected_oe property

Capability data.
protected array $_data
return array

$_observers protected_oe property

protected array $_observers
return array