PHP Class Horde_Kolab_Format_Factory, horde

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Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( array $params = [] ) Constructor.
create ( string $format = 'Xml', string $type = '', array $params = [] ) : Horde_Kolab_Format Generates a handler for a specific Kolab object type.
createXmlHelper ( DOMDocument $xmldoc ) : Horde_Kolab_Format_Xml_Helper Generates a XML helper instance.
createXmlParser ( ) : Horde_Kolab_Format_Xml_Parser Generates a XML parser.
createXmlType ( string $type, array $params = [] ) : Horde_Kolab_Format_Xml_Type Generates a XML type that deals with XML data modifications.

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( array $params = [] )
$params array Additional parameters for the creation of parsers.

create() public method

Generates a handler for a specific Kolab object type.
public create ( string $format = 'Xml', string $type = '', array $params = [] ) : Horde_Kolab_Format
$format string The format that the handler should work with.
$type string The object type that should be handled.
$params array Additional parameters.
'version' - The format version.
return Horde_Kolab_Format The handler.

createXmlHelper() public method

Generates a XML helper instance.
public createXmlHelper ( DOMDocument $xmldoc ) : Horde_Kolab_Format_Xml_Helper
$xmldoc DOMDocument The XML document the helper works with.
return Horde_Kolab_Format_Xml_Helper The helper utility.

createXmlParser() public method

Generates a XML parser.
public createXmlParser ( ) : Horde_Kolab_Format_Xml_Parser
return Horde_Kolab_Format_Xml_Parser The parser.

createXmlType() public method

Generates a XML type that deals with XML data modifications.
public createXmlType ( string $type, array $params = [] ) : Horde_Kolab_Format_Xml_Type
$type string The value type.
$params array Additional parameters.
return Horde_Kolab_Format_Xml_Type The type.