PHP Class Horde_Smtp_Debug, horde

NOTE: This class is NOT intended to be accessed outside of the Smtp package. There is NO guarantees that the API of this class will not change across versions.
Author: Michael Slusarz ([email protected])
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
$active boolean Is debugging active?

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$_stream resource The debug stream.
$_time integer Timestamp of last command.

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( mixed $debug ) Constructor.
client ( string $msg, boolean $eol = true ) Write client output to debug log.
info ( string $msg ) Write informational message to debug log.
raw ( string $msg ) Write server output to debug log.
server ( string $msg ) Write server output to debug log.
shutdown ( ) Shutdown function.

Protected Methods

Method Description
_write ( string $msg, string $pre = null ) Write debug information to the output stream.

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( mixed $debug )
$debug mixed The debug target.

_write() protected method

Write debug information to the output stream.
protected _write ( string $msg, string $pre = null )
$msg string Debug data.
$pre string Prefix.

client() public method

Write client output to debug log.
public client ( string $msg, boolean $eol = true )
$msg string Debug message.
$eol boolean Output EOL?

info() public method

Write informational message to debug log.
public info ( string $msg )
$msg string Debug message.

raw() public method

Write server output to debug log.
public raw ( string $msg )
$msg string Debug message.

server() public method

Write server output to debug log.
public server ( string $msg )
$msg string Debug message.

shutdown() public method

Shutdown function.
public shutdown ( )

Property Details

$_stream protected_oe property

The debug stream.
protected resource $_stream
return resource

$_time protected_oe property

Timestamp of last command.
protected int $_time
return integer

$active public_oe property

Is debugging active?
public bool $active
return boolean