PHP Class Horde_Text_Filter_Bbcode, horde

entities - (boolean) Before replacing bbcode with HTML tags, replace HTML
           DEFAULT: false
Supported bbcode:
    [b]Bold Text[/b]
    [i]Italics Text[/i]
    [u]Underlined Text[/u]
    [quote]Quoted Text[/quote]
    [center]Centered Text[/center]

    List of items
    [*] Item one
    [*] Item two

    Numbered list
    [*] Item one
    [*] Item two

    [url][/url] -> Link to the address using the
        address itself for the text.  You can specify the protocol: http or
        https and the port.
    [url][/url] -> Link to the address using the address
        itself for the text.  You can specify the port.  The protocol is by
        default http.
    [url=]Link to Horde[/url] -> Link to the address
        using "Link to Horde" for the text.  You can specify the protocol:
        http or https and the port.
    []Link to Horde[/url] -> Link to the address using
        "Link to Horde" for the text.  You can specify the port.  The
        protocol is by default http
    [email][email protected][/email] -> sets a mailto link.
    [[email protected]]Mail to Carlos[/email] -> Sets a mailto link
        and the text is "Mail to Carlos".
Copyright 2003-2016 Horde LLC ( Email validation based on Chuck Hagenbuch's Mail_RFC822::isValidInetAddress(). See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you did not receive this file, see
Author: Carlos Pedrinaci ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Horde_Text_Filter_Base
Datei anzeigen Open project: horde/horde

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$_params array Filter parameters.

Public Methods

Method Description
getPatterns ( ) : array Returns a hash with replace patterns.
preProcess ( string $text ) : string Executes any code necessary before applying the filter patterns.

Protected Methods

Method Description
_link ( $url, $title ) : string Return link for use in getPatterns() regexp.

Method Details

getPatterns() public method

Returns a hash with replace patterns.
public getPatterns ( ) : array
return array Patterns hash.

preProcess() public method

Executes any code necessary before applying the filter patterns.
public preProcess ( string $text ) : string
$text string The text before the filtering.
return string The modified text.

Property Details

$_params protected_oe property

Filter parameters.
protected array $_params
return array