PHP Class Ingo_Script_Sieve_Action_Vacation, horde

Author: Mike Cochrane ([email protected])
Author: Jan Schneider ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Ingo_Script_Sieve_Action
Datei anzeigen Open project: horde/horde

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( array $vars = [] ) Constructor.
check ( ) : boolean | string Checks if the rule parameters are valid.
generate ( ) : string Returns a script snippet representing this rule and any sub-rules.
requires ( ) : array Returns a list of sieve extensions required for this rule and any sub-rules.

Protected Methods

Method Description
_dateCheck ( ) : string Uses 'date' and 'relative' extensions to limit vacation messages by date.
_dayCheck ( $begin, $end )
_monthCheck ( $begin, $end )
_regexCheck ( ) : string Uses regular expression parsing to limit vacation messages by date.
_vacationCode ( )
_yearCheck ( $begin, $end )

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( array $vars = [] )
$vars array Any required parameters.

_dateCheck() protected method

Uses 'date' and 'relative' extensions to limit vacation messages by date.
protected _dateCheck ( ) : string
return string A Sieve script snippet.

_dayCheck() protected method

protected _dayCheck ( $begin, $end )

_monthCheck() protected method

protected _monthCheck ( $begin, $end )

_regexCheck() protected method

Uses regular expression parsing to limit vacation messages by date.
protected _regexCheck ( ) : string
return string A Sieve script snippet.

_vacationCode() protected method

protected _vacationCode ( )

_yearCheck() protected method

protected _yearCheck ( $begin, $end )

check() public method

Checks if the rule parameters are valid.
public check ( ) : boolean | string
return boolean | string True if this rule is valid, an error message otherwise.

generate() public method

Returns a script snippet representing this rule and any sub-rules.
public generate ( ) : string
return string A Sieve script snippet.

requires() public method

Returns a list of sieve extensions required for this rule and any sub-rules.
public requires ( ) : array
return array A Sieve extension list.