PHP Class IssueFileDAO, ojs

Inheritance: extends PKPFileDAO
Datei anzeigen Open project: pkp/ojs

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$_inlineableTypes * @var array MIME types that can be displayed inline in a browser

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( ) Constructor.
_fromRow ( $row ) : IssueFile Internal function to return an IssueFile object from a row.
deleteById ( $fileId ) Delete an issue file by ID.
deleteByIssueId ( $issueId ) Delete all issue files for an issue.
deleteObject ( $issueFile ) Delete an issue file.
getById ( $fileId, $issueId = null ) : IssueFile Retrieve an issue file by ID.
getInlineableTypes ( ) : array Get inlineable file types.
getInsertId ( ) : integer Get the ID of the last inserted issue file.
insertObject ( $issueFile ) : integer Insert a new IssueFile.
newDataObject ( ) : IssueFile Construct a new IssueFile data object.
setInlineableTypes ( $inlineableTypes ) Set inlineable file types.
updateObject ( $issueFile ) Update an existing issue file.

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( )

_fromRow() public method

Internal function to return an IssueFile object from a row.
public _fromRow ( $row ) : IssueFile
$row array
return IssueFile

deleteById() public method

Delete an issue file by ID.
public deleteById ( $fileId )

deleteByIssueId() public method

Delete all issue files for an issue.
public deleteByIssueId ( $issueId )
$issueId int

deleteObject() public method

Delete an issue file.
public deleteObject ( $issueFile )

getById() public method

Retrieve an issue file by ID.
public getById ( $fileId, $issueId = null ) : IssueFile
$fileId int
$issueId int optional
return IssueFile

getInlineableTypes() public method

Get inlineable file types.
public getInlineableTypes ( ) : array
return array

getInsertId() public method

Get the ID of the last inserted issue file.
public getInsertId ( ) : integer
return integer

insertObject() public method

Insert a new IssueFile.
public insertObject ( $issueFile ) : integer
$issueFile IssueFile
return integer

newDataObject() public method

Construct a new IssueFile data object.
public newDataObject ( ) : IssueFile
return IssueFile

setInlineableTypes() public method

Set inlineable file types.
public setInlineableTypes ( $inlineableTypes )
$inlineableTypes array

updateObject() public method

Update an existing issue file.
public updateObject ( $issueFile )

Property Details

$_inlineableTypes public_oe property

* @var array MIME types that can be displayed inline in a browser
public $_inlineableTypes