Author: abhinavsingh
Inheritance: extends XMPPStream
Datei anzeigen Open project: jaxl/JAXL Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$cfg cached init config array
$features identity
$local_ip env
$log_level path variables
$manage_roster received presence information about the contacts
$manage_subscribe "none" | "accept" | "mutual"
$retry where k is a random number between 0 and 2^c - 1.
$roster XMPPRosterItem[] Local cache of roster list.
$status current status message
$xeps reference to various xep instance objects

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$ev JAXLEvent Event callback engine for XMPP stream lifecycle.

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( array $config )
__destruct ( )
add_cb ( string $ev, callable $cb, integer $priority = 1 ) : string Add callback.
del_cb ( $ref )
enable_unix_sock ( )
getTransport ( ) : JAXLClientBase
get_pid_file_path ( )
get_roster ( $cb = null )
get_scram_sha1_response ( $pass, $challenge )
get_sock_file_path ( )
get_socket_path ( )
get_vcard ( $jid = null, $cb = null )
handle_auth_failure ( string $reason )
handle_auth_mechs ( $stanza, $mechanisms )
handle_auth_success ( )
handle_debug_shell ( $_raw ) security is all upto you, no checks made here
handle_domain_info ( $stanza )
handle_domain_items ( $stanza )
handle_iq ( $stanza )
handle_message ( $stanza )
handle_other ( $event, $args ) TODO: in a lot of cases this will be called, need more checks
handle_presence ( $stanza )
handle_stream_start ( $stanza )
on_unix_sock_accept ( $_c, $addr ) not for public consumption
on_unix_sock_request ( $_c, $_raw ) know what you are doing while in production
require_xep ( array $xeps )
retry ( )
send_chat_msg ( $to, $body, $thread = null, $subject = null )
set_status ( $status, $show = 'chat', $priority = 10 )
signal_handler ( integer $sig ) Signals callback handler.
start ( array $opts = [] )
subscribe ( $to )
subscribed ( $to )
unsubscribe ( $to )
unsubscribed ( $to )
wait_for_cram_md5_response ( $event, $args ) someday this needs to go inside xmpp stream
wait_for_scram_sha1_response ( $event, $args )

Protected Methods

Method Description
enable_debug_shell ( )

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( array $config )
$config array

__destruct() public method

public __destruct ( )

add_cb() public method

Add callback.
See also: JAXLEvent::add
public add_cb ( string $ev, callable $cb, integer $priority = 1 ) : string
$ev string Event to subscribe.
$cb callable
$priority integer
return string

del_cb() public method

public del_cb ( $ref )

enable_debug_shell() protected method

protected enable_debug_shell ( )

enable_unix_sock() public method

public enable_unix_sock ( )

getTransport() public method

public getTransport ( ) : JAXLClientBase
return JAXLClientBase

get_pid_file_path() public method

public get_pid_file_path ( )

get_roster() public method

public get_roster ( $cb = null )

get_scram_sha1_response() public method
public get_scram_sha1_response ( $pass, $challenge )

get_sock_file_path() public method

public get_sock_file_path ( )

get_socket_path() public method

public get_socket_path ( )

get_vcard() public method

public get_vcard ( $jid = null, $cb = null )

handle_auth_failure() public method

public handle_auth_failure ( string $reason )
$reason string

handle_auth_mechs() public method

public handle_auth_mechs ( $stanza, $mechanisms )

handle_auth_success() public method

public handle_auth_success ( )

handle_debug_shell() public method

security is all upto you, no checks made here
public handle_debug_shell ( $_raw )

handle_domain_info() public method

public handle_domain_info ( $stanza )

handle_domain_items() public method

public handle_domain_items ( $stanza )

handle_iq() public method

public handle_iq ( $stanza )

handle_message() public method

public handle_message ( $stanza )

handle_other() public method

TODO: in a lot of cases this will be called, need more checks
public handle_other ( $event, $args )

handle_presence() public method

public handle_presence ( $stanza )

handle_stream_start() public method

public handle_stream_start ( $stanza )

on_unix_sock_accept() public method

not for public consumption
public on_unix_sock_accept ( $_c, $addr )

on_unix_sock_request() public method

know what you are doing while in production
public on_unix_sock_request ( $_c, $_raw )

require_xep() public method

public require_xep ( array $xeps )
$xeps array

retry() public method

public retry ( )

send_chat_msg() public method

public send_chat_msg ( $to, $body, $thread = null, $subject = null )

set_status() public method

public set_status ( $status, $show = 'chat', $priority = 10 )

signal_handler() public method

Not for public API consumption.
public signal_handler ( integer $sig )
$sig integer

start() public method

public start ( array $opts = [] )
$opts array

subscribe() public method

public subscribe ( $to )

subscribed() public method

public subscribed ( $to )

unsubscribe() public method

public unsubscribe ( $to )

unsubscribed() public method

public unsubscribed ( $to )

wait_for_cram_md5_response() public method

someday this needs to go inside xmpp stream
public wait_for_cram_md5_response ( $event, $args )

wait_for_scram_sha1_response() public method

public wait_for_scram_sha1_response ( $event, $args )

Property Details

$category public_oe property

public $category

$cfg public_oe property

cached init config array
public $cfg

$ev protected_oe property

Event callback engine for XMPP stream lifecycle.
protected JAXLEvent $ev
return JAXLEvent

$features public_oe property

public $features

$lang public_oe property

public $lang

$local_ip public_oe property

public $local_ip

$log_colorize public_oe property

public $log_colorize

$log_dir public_oe property

public $log_dir

$log_level public_oe property

path variables
public $log_level

$manage_roster public_oe property

received presence information about the contacts
public $manage_roster

$manage_subscribe public_oe property

"none" | "accept" | "mutual"
public $manage_subscribe

$mode public_oe property

public $mode

$pid public_oe property

public $pid

$pid_dir public_oe property

public $pid_dir

$priv_dir public_oe property

public $priv_dir

$retry public_oe property

where k is a random number between 0 and 2^c - 1.
public $retry

$roster public_oe property

Local cache of roster list.
public XMPPRosterItem[] $roster
return XMPPRosterItem[]

$sock_dir public_oe property

public $sock_dir

$status public_oe property

current status message
public $status

$tmp_dir public_oe property

public $tmp_dir

$type public_oe property

public $type

$xeps public_oe property

reference to various xep instance objects
public $xeps