PHP Class JSONDict, gitblog

Inheritance: implements ArrayAccess, implements Countable
Datei anzeigen Open project: rsms/gitblog

Public Properties

Property Type Description

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( $name_or_path, $is_path = false, $skeleton_file = null )
__toString ( )
count ( )
get ( $key, $default = null, $sep = '/' ) Higher level GET operation able to read deep values, which keys are separated by $sep.
offsetExists ( $k )
offsetGet ( $k )
offsetSet ( $k, $v )
offsetUnset ( $k )
put ( $key, $value, $sep = '/' ) Higher level PUT operation able to set deep values, which keys are separated by $sep.
storage ( ) Retrieve the underlying JSONStore storage
toJSON ( )

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( $name_or_path, $is_path = false, $skeleton_file = null )

__toString() public method

public __toString ( )

count() public method

public count ( )

get() public method

Higher level GET operation able to read deep values, which keys are separated by $sep.
public get ( $key, $default = null, $sep = '/' )

offsetExists() public method

public offsetExists ( $k )

offsetGet() public method

public offsetGet ( $k )

offsetSet() public method

public offsetSet ( $k, $v )

offsetUnset() public method

public offsetUnset ( $k )

put() public method

Higher level PUT operation able to set deep values, which keys are separated by $sep.
public put ( $key, $value, $sep = '/' )

storage() public method

Retrieve the underlying JSONStore storage
public storage ( )

toJSON() public method

public toJSON ( )

Property Details

$cache public_oe property

public $cache

$file public_oe property

public $file

$skeleton_file public_oe property

public $skeleton_file

$storage public_oe property

public $storage