PHP Class Kohana_Twig_Trans_Node, kohana-twig

Based off of the core twig code for the trans tag, but modified to use Kohana's __() function.
Inheritance: extends Twig_Node
Datei anzeigen Open project: jonathangeiger/kohana-twig

Public Methods

Method Description
compile ( Twig_Compiler $compiler ) Compiles the node to PHP.

Protected Methods

Method Description
compileString ( Twig_NodeInterface $body ) : array Parses out the body to extract vars to pass to the translation function.

Method Details

compile() public method

Compiles the node to PHP.
public compile ( Twig_Compiler $compiler )
$compiler Twig_Compiler

compileString() protected method

Parses out the body to extract vars to pass to the translation function.
protected compileString ( Twig_NodeInterface $body ) : array
$body Twig_NodeInterface
return array