PHP Class Kronolith_Event_Horde, horde

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Author: Jan Schneider ([email protected])
Inheritance: extends Kronolith_Event
Datei anzeigen Open project: horde/horde Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$calendarType string The type of the calender this event exists on.

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$_ajaxLink string The link to this event in the ajax interface.
$_api string The API (application) of this event.
$_deleteLink string The link to delete this event.
$_editLink string The link to edit this event.
$_link string The link to this event.
$_owner string The event's owner.
$_params array Any parameters to identify the object in the other Horde application.
$_permissions integer A bitmask of permissions the current user has on this object.
$_variableLength Whether this event has a variable length.

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( Kronolith_Driver_Horde $driver, mixed $eventObject = null ) Constructor.
fromDriver ( mixed $event ) Imports a backend specific event object.
getDeleteUrl ( array $params = [], $full = false ) : Horde_Url
getEditUrl ( array $params = [], $full = false ) : Horde_Url
getTitle ( string $user = null ) : string Returns the title of this event.
getTooltip ( ) : string
getViewUrl ( array $params = [], $full = false, $encoded = true ) : Horde_Url
hasPermission ( integer $permission, string $user = null ) : boolean Encapsulates permissions checking.
toJson ( array $options = [] ) : stdClass Returns a simple object suitable for json transport representing this event.
toTimeobject ( ) Prepares this event to be saved to the backend.

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( Kronolith_Driver_Horde $driver, mixed $eventObject = null )
$driver Kronolith_Driver_Horde The backend driver that this event is stored in.
$eventObject mixed Backend specific event object that this will represent.

fromDriver() public method

Imports a backend specific event object.
public fromDriver ( mixed $event )
$event mixed Backend specific event object that this object will represent.

getDeleteUrl() public method

public getDeleteUrl ( array $params = [], $full = false ) : Horde_Url
$params array
return Horde_Url

getEditUrl() public method

public getEditUrl ( array $params = [], $full = false ) : Horde_Url
$params array
return Horde_Url

getTitle() public method

Returns the title of this event.
public getTitle ( string $user = null ) : string
$user string The current user.
return string The title of this event.

getTooltip() public method

public getTooltip ( ) : string
return string A tooltip for quick descriptions of this event.

getViewUrl() public method

public getViewUrl ( array $params = [], $full = false, $encoded = true ) : Horde_Url
$params array
return Horde_Url

hasPermission() public method

Encapsulates permissions checking.
public hasPermission ( integer $permission, string $user = null ) : boolean
$permission integer The permission to check for.
$user string The user to check permissions for.
return boolean

toJson() public method

Returns a simple object suitable for json transport representing this event.
public toJson ( array $options = [] ) : stdClass
$options array An array of options: - all_day: (boolean) If not null, overrides whether the event is an all-day event. DEFAULT: null (Do not override). - full: (boolean) Whether to return all event details. DEFAULT: false (Do not return all details). - time_format: (string) The date() format to use for time formatting. DEFAULT: 'H:i' - history: (boolean) If true, ensures that this event's history is loaded from the History backend. DEFAULT: false (Do not ensure history is loaded).
return stdClass A simple object.

toTimeobject() public method

Prepares this event to be saved to the backend.
public toTimeobject ( )

Property Details

$_api protected_oe property

The API (application) of this event.
protected string $_api
return string

$_owner protected_oe property

The event's owner.
protected string $_owner
return string

$_params protected_oe property

Any parameters to identify the object in the other Horde application.
protected array $_params
return array

$_permissions protected_oe property

A bitmask of permissions the current user has on this object.
protected int $_permissions
return integer

$_variableLength protected_oe property

Whether this event has a variable length.
protected $_variableLength

$calendarType public_oe property

The type of the calender this event exists on.
public string $calendarType
return string