PHP Class LocaleDeveloperPlugin, addons

Inheritance: extends Gdn_Plugin
Datei anzeigen Open project: vanilla/addons

Public Properties

Property Type Description

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$Form Form

Public Methods

Method Description
Base_Render_After ( Gdn_Controller $Sender, array $Args ) Save the captured definitions.
CreateZip ( )
EnsureDefinitionFile ( )
FormatInfoArray ( $VariableName, $Array )
FormatValue ( $Value, $SingleLine = TRUE )
Gdn_Dispatcher_BeforeDispatch_Handler ( $Sender )
GetFileHeader ( )
GetInfoArray ( )
SettingsController_LocaleDeveloper_Create ( $Sender, $Args = [] )
SettingsController_Render_Before ( Gdn_Controller $Sender, array $Args )
WriteInfoArray ( $fp )
_Download ( $Sender, $Args )
_GoogleTranslate ( $Sender, $Args )
_Settings ( $Sender, $Args ) }
__construct ( )

Method Details

Base_Render_After() public method

Save the captured definitions.
public Base_Render_After ( Gdn_Controller $Sender, array $Args )
$Sender Gdn_Controller
$Args array

CreateZip() public method

public CreateZip ( )

EnsureDefinitionFile() public method

FormatInfoArray() public static method

public static FormatInfoArray ( $VariableName, $Array )

FormatValue() public static method

public static FormatValue ( $Value, $SingleLine = TRUE )

Gdn_Dispatcher_BeforeDispatch_Handler() public method

GetFileHeader() public method

public GetFileHeader ( )

GetInfoArray() public method

public GetInfoArray ( )

SettingsController_LocaleDeveloper_Create() public method

public SettingsController_LocaleDeveloper_Create ( $Sender, $Args = [] )

SettingsController_Render_Before() public method

public SettingsController_Render_Before ( Gdn_Controller $Sender, array $Args )
$Sender Gdn_Controller
$Args array

WriteInfoArray() public method

public WriteInfoArray ( $fp )

_Download() public method

public _Download ( $Sender, $Args )

_GoogleTranslate() public method

public _GoogleTranslate ( $Sender, $Args )

_Settings() public method

public _Settings ( $Sender, $Args )

__construct() public method

public __construct ( )

Property Details

$Form protected_oe property

protected $Form

$LocalePath public_oe property

public $LocalePath