PHP Class NativeExportFilter, pkp-lib

Inheritance: extends NativeImportExportFilter
Datei anzeigen Open project: pkp/pkp-lib Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( $filterGroup ) Constructor
createLocalizedNodes ( $doc, $parentNode, $name, $values ) Create a set of child nodes of parentNode containing the localeKey => value data representing translated content.
createOptionalNode ( $doc, $parentNode, $name, $value ) : DOMElement | null Create an optional node with a name and value.

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( $filterGroup )
$filterGroup FilterGroup

createLocalizedNodes() public method

Create a set of child nodes of parentNode containing the localeKey => value data representing translated content.
public createLocalizedNodes ( $doc, $parentNode, $name, $values )
$doc DOMDocument
$parentNode DOMNode
$name string Node name
$values array Array of locale key => value mappings

createOptionalNode() public method

Create an optional node with a name and value.
public createOptionalNode ( $doc, $parentNode, $name, $value ) : DOMElement | null
$doc DOMDocument
$parentNode DOMElement
$name string
$value string|null
return DOMElement | null