Method |
Description |
__construct ( mixed $dsn, string $username = '', string $password = '', array $driver_options = [] ) |
Creates a data source instance to represent a connection to the database. |
cascadeTableDescriptor ( string $table, RecessTableDescriptor $descriptor ) |
Take a table descriptor and apply it / verify it on top of the
table descriptor returned from a database. This is used to ensure
a model's marked up fields are in congruence with the table. Also
checks to ensure the number of columns in the cascaded descriptor
do not outnumber the actual number of columns. Finally with a database
like sqlite which largely ignores column typing it enables the model
to inform the actual Recess type of the column. |
createTableSql ( $tableDescriptor ) |
dropTable ( string $table ) |
Drop a table from the database. |
emptyTable ( string $table ) |
Empty a table in the database. |
executeSqlBuilder ( SqlBuilder $builder, string $action ) : boolean |
Execute the query from a SqlBuilder instance. |
executeStatement ( $statement, $arguments ) |
explainStatement ( $statement, $arguments ) |
getColumns ( string $table ) : array(string) |
List the column names of a table alphabetically. |
getTableDescriptor ( string $table ) : RecessTableDescriptor |
Retrieve the a table's RecessTableDescriptor. |
getTables ( ) : array(string) |
List the tables in a data source alphabetically. |
prepareStatement ( $statement, $arguments ) |
queryForClass ( SqlBuilder $builder, string $className ) : array($className) |
Takes the SQL and arguments (array of Criterion) and returns an array
of objects of type $className. |
select ( string $table = '' ) : PdoDataSet |
Begin a select operation by returning a new, unrealized PdoDataSet |