PHP Class Scalr_UI_Controller_Roles

Inheritance: extends Scalr_UI_Controller
Datei anzeigen Open project: scalr/scalr Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
builderAction ( boolean $devel = false, string $serverId = null )
createAction ( )
defaultAction ( )
editAction ( integer $roleId )
hasAccess ( )
listRoleCategories ( boolean $notEmpty = false, boolean $checkRoleImages = false ) : array Returns list Role Categories
managerAction ( ) Role manager
xBuildAction ( string $platform, string $architecture, JsonData $behaviors, string $name = '', boolean $createImage = false, string $imageId, string $cloudLocation, string $osId, integer $hvm, JsonData $advanced, JsonData $chef )
xCloneAction ( integer $roleId, string $newRoleName )
xGetInfoAction ( integer $roleId )
xGetListAction ( integer $roleId = null, string $catId = null, string $osFamily = null, string $keyword = null, string $platform = null )
xListRolesAction ( integer $roleId = null, string $platform = null, string $cloudLocation = null, string $imageId = null, string $scope = null, integer $chefServerId = null, integer $catId = null, string $osFamily = null, boolean $isQuickStart = false, boolean $isDeprecated = false, string $status = null, JsonData $addImage = null ) Get list of roles for listView
xPromoteAction ( integer $id ) Move role to account scope
xRemoveAction ( JsonData $roles )
xSaveAction ( integer $roleId, string $name, string $description, string $osId, integer $catId, boolean $isQuickStart = false, boolean $isDeprecated = false, boolean $isScalarized = true, JsonData $behaviors, JsonData $images, JsonData $scripts, JsonData $variables, JsonData $chef, JsonData $environments )

Private Methods

Method Description
getInfo ( integer $roleId, boolean $extended = false, array $canAddImage = null ) : array Get information about role
isHvmBundleTypeOs ( Scalr\Model\Entity\Os $os ) : boolean Check whether specified OS should have EBS HVM bundle type

Method Details

builderAction() public method

public builderAction ( boolean $devel = false, string $serverId = null )
$devel boolean
$serverId string

createAction() public method

public createAction ( )

defaultAction() public method

public defaultAction ( )

editAction() public method

public editAction ( integer $roleId )
$roleId integer

hasAccess() public method

See also: Scalr_UI_Controller::hasAccess()
public hasAccess ( )

listRoleCategories() public method

Returns list Role Categories
public listRoleCategories ( boolean $notEmpty = false, boolean $checkRoleImages = false ) : array
$notEmpty boolean Not empty categories only
$checkRoleImages boolean Count roles with no images
return array [id => name]

managerAction() public method

Role manager
public managerAction ( )

xBuildAction() public method

public xBuildAction ( string $platform, string $architecture, JsonData $behaviors, string $name = '', boolean $createImage = false, string $imageId, string $cloudLocation, string $osId, integer $hvm, JsonData $advanced, JsonData $chef )
$platform string
$architecture string
$behaviors Scalr\UI\Request\JsonData
$name string
$createImage boolean
$imageId string
$cloudLocation string
$osId string
$hvm integer
$advanced Scalr\UI\Request\JsonData
$chef Scalr\UI\Request\JsonData

xCloneAction() public method

public xCloneAction ( integer $roleId, string $newRoleName )
$roleId integer
$newRoleName string

xGetInfoAction() public method

public xGetInfoAction ( integer $roleId )
$roleId integer

xGetListAction() public method

public xGetListAction ( integer $roleId = null, string $catId = null, string $osFamily = null, string $keyword = null, string $platform = null )
$roleId integer
$catId string
$osFamily string
$keyword string
$platform string Get list of roles for roles library

xListRolesAction() public method

Get list of roles for listView
public xListRolesAction ( integer $roleId = null, string $platform = null, string $cloudLocation = null, string $imageId = null, string $scope = null, integer $chefServerId = null, integer $catId = null, string $osFamily = null, boolean $isQuickStart = false, boolean $isDeprecated = false, string $status = null, JsonData $addImage = null )
$roleId integer optional
$platform string optional
$cloudLocation string optional
$imageId string optional
$scope string optional
$chefServerId integer optional
$catId integer optional
$osFamily string optional
$isQuickStart boolean optional
$isDeprecated boolean optional
$status string optional
$addImage Scalr\UI\Request\JsonData optional

xPromoteAction() public method

Move role to account scope
public xPromoteAction ( integer $id )
$id integer ID of Role

xRemoveAction() public method

public xRemoveAction ( JsonData $roles )
$roles Scalr\UI\Request\JsonData

xSaveAction() public method

public xSaveAction ( integer $roleId, string $name, string $description, string $osId, integer $catId, boolean $isQuickStart = false, boolean $isDeprecated = false, boolean $isScalarized = true, JsonData $behaviors, JsonData $images, JsonData $scripts, JsonData $variables, JsonData $chef, JsonData $environments )
$roleId integer
$name string
$description string
$osId string
$catId integer
$isQuickStart boolean
$isDeprecated boolean
$isScalarized boolean
$behaviors Scalr\UI\Request\JsonData
$images Scalr\UI\Request\JsonData
$scripts Scalr\UI\Request\JsonData
$variables Scalr\UI\Request\JsonData
$chef Scalr\UI\Request\JsonData
$environments Scalr\UI\Request\JsonData