PHP Class TbProgress

See also:
Since: 0.9.10
Inheritance: extends TbWidget
Datei anzeigen Open project: yinhe/yincart

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$animated indicates whether the bar is animated.
$content div content
$htmlOptions the HTML attributes for the widget container.
$percent the amount of progress in percent.
$stacked array set to an array of progress bar values to display stacked progress bars
     array('type' => 'info|success|warning|danger', 'percent'=>'30', 'htmlOptions'=>array('class'=>'custom')),
     array('type' => 'info|success|warning|danger', 'percent'=>'30'),
$striped indicates whether the bar is striped.
$type the bar type. Valid values are 'info', 'success', and 'danger'.

Public Methods

Method Description
init ( ) ### .init()
run ( ) ### .run()

Method Details

init() public method

Initializes the widget.
public init ( )

run() public method

Runs the widget.
Since: 9/21/12 8:13 PM antonio ramirez Updated to use stacked progress bars
public run ( )

Property Details

$animated public_oe property

indicates whether the bar is animated.
public $animated

$content public_oe property

div content
public $content

$htmlOptions public_oe property

the HTML attributes for the widget container.
public $htmlOptions

$percent public_oe property

the amount of progress in percent.
public $percent

$stacked public_oe property

set to an array of progress bar values to display stacked progress bars
     array('type' => 'info|success|warning|danger', 'percent'=>'30', 'htmlOptions'=>array('class'=>'custom')),
     array('type' => 'info|success|warning|danger', 'percent'=>'30'),
Since: 9/21/12 8:14 PM antonio ramirez
public array $stacked
return array

$striped public_oe property

indicates whether the bar is striped.
public $striped

$type public_oe property

the bar type. Valid values are 'info', 'success', and 'danger'.
public $type