PHP Class ToggleCustomFieldType

Since: 3.8.5
Inheritance: extends AdminPageFramework_FieldType_checkbox
Datei anzeigen Open project: michaeluno/admin-page-framework

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$aFieldTypeSlugs Defines the field type slugs used for this field type.

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$aDefaultKeys Defines the default key-values of this field type settings.

Public Methods

Method Description
getField ( $aField ) Returns the output of the field type.
setUp ( ) Loads the field type necessary components.

Protected Methods

Method Description
construct ( )
getEnqueuingScripts ( ) : array Returns an array holding the urls of enqueuing scripts.
getEnqueuingStyles ( ) : array
getScripts ( ) Returns the field type specific JavaScript script.
getStyles ( ) Returns the field type specific CSS rules.

Private Methods

Method Description
_getToggleElement ( $aField ) : string Returns the HTML output of the toggle element.
_getTogglesOptionsFormatted ( $aOptions, $aField ) : array These can be set with the data attributes.

Method Details

construct() protected method

protected construct ( )

getEnqueuingScripts() protected method

Returns an array holding the urls of enqueuing scripts.
protected getEnqueuingScripts ( ) : array
return array

getEnqueuingStyles() protected method

protected getEnqueuingStyles ( ) : array
return array

getField() public method

Returns the output of the field type.
public getField ( $aField )

getScripts() protected method

Returns the field type specific JavaScript script.
protected getScripts ( )

getStyles() protected method

Returns the field type specific CSS rules.
protected getStyles ( )

setUp() public method

Loads the field type necessary components.
public setUp ( )

Property Details

$aDefaultKeys protected_oe property

Defines the default key-values of this field type settings.
protected $aDefaultKeys

$aFieldTypeSlugs public_oe property

Defines the field type slugs used for this field type.
public $aFieldTypeSlugs