PHP Class Acoustep\EntrustGui\Http\Controllers\UsersController

Inheritance: extends Illuminate\Routing\Controller
Datei anzeigen Open project: acoustep/entrust-gui

Protected Properties

Property Type Description

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( Illuminate\Http\Request $request, Acoustep\EntrustGui\Gateways\UserGateway $gateway, Illuminate\Config\Repository $config ) : void Create a new UsersController instance.
create ( ) : Response Show the form for creating a new resource.
destroy ( integer $id ) : Response Remove the specified resource from storage.
edit ( integer $id ) : Response Show the form for editing the specified resource.
index ( ) : Response Display a listing of the resource.
store ( ) : Response Store a newly created resource in storage.
update ( integer $id ) : Response Update the specified resource in storage.

Method Details

__construct() public method

Create a new UsersController instance.
public __construct ( Illuminate\Http\Request $request, Acoustep\EntrustGui\Gateways\UserGateway $gateway, Illuminate\Config\Repository $config ) : void
$request Illuminate\Http\Request
$gateway Acoustep\EntrustGui\Gateways\UserGateway
$config Illuminate\Config\Repository
return void

create() public method

GET /roles/create
public create ( ) : Response
return Response

destroy() public method

DELETE /roles/{id}
public destroy ( integer $id ) : Response
$id integer
return Response

edit() public method

GET /roles/{id}/edit
public edit ( integer $id ) : Response
$id integer
return Response

index() public method

GET /roles
public index ( ) : Response
return Response

store() public method

POST /roles
public store ( ) : Response
return Response

update() public method

PUT /roles/{id}
public update ( integer $id ) : Response
$id integer
return Response

Property Details

$config protected_oe property

protected $config

$gateway protected_oe property

protected $gateway

$request protected_oe property

protected $request

$role protected_oe property

protected $role