PHP Class Adldap\Objects\DistinguishedName

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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$commonNames array The common names in the DN.
$domainComponents array The domain components in the DN.
$organizationNames array The organization names in the DN.
$organizationUnits array The organizational units in the DN.
$schema Adldap\Schemas\SchemaInterface The current LDAP schema.
$types array The RDN attribute types.
$userIds array The uid's in the DN.

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( mixed $baseDn = null, Adldap\Schemas\SchemaInterface $schema = null ) Constructor.
__toString ( ) : string Returns the complete distinguished name.
addCn ( string $cn ) : DistinguishedName Adds a common name.
addDc ( string $dc ) : DistinguishedName Adds a domain component.
addO ( string $o ) Adds an organization name.
addOu ( string $ou ) : DistinguishedName Adds an organizational unit.
addUid ( string $uid ) : DistinguishedName Add a user identifier.
assemble ( ) : string Assembles all of the RDNs and returns the result.
assembleCns ( ) : string Assembles the common names in the distinguished name.
assembleDcs ( ) : string Assembles the domain components in the distinguished Name.
assembleOs ( ) : string Assembles the organization names in the distinguished name.
assembleOus ( ) : string Assembles the organizational units in the distinguished Name.
assembleUids ( ) : string Assembles the user ID's in the distinguished name.
get ( ) : string Returns the complete distinguished name.
removeCn ( string $cn ) : DistinguishedName Removes a common name.
removeDc ( string $dc ) : DistinguishedName Removes a domain component.
removeO ( string $o ) : DistinguishedName Removes an organization name.
removeOu ( string $ou ) : DistinguishedName Removes an organizational unit.
removeUid ( string $uid ) : DistinguishedName Removes a user identifier.
setBase ( string | DistinguishedName $base ) : DistinguishedName Sets the base RDN of the distinguished name.
setSchema ( Adldap\Schemas\SchemaInterface $schema = null ) : DistinguishedName Sets the schema for the distinguished name.

Protected Methods

Method Description
assembleRdns ( string $attribute, array $values = [] ) : string Assembles an RDN with the specified attribute and value.

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( mixed $baseDn = null, Adldap\Schemas\SchemaInterface $schema = null )
$baseDn mixed
$schema Adldap\Schemas\SchemaInterface

__toString() public method

Returns the complete distinguished name.
public __toString ( ) : string
return string

addCn() public method

Adds a common name.
public addCn ( string $cn ) : DistinguishedName
$cn string
return DistinguishedName

addDc() public method

Adds a domain component.
public addDc ( string $dc ) : DistinguishedName
$dc string
return DistinguishedName

addO() public method

Adds an organization name.
public addO ( string $o )
$o string

addOu() public method

Adds an organizational unit.
public addOu ( string $ou ) : DistinguishedName
$ou string
return DistinguishedName

addUid() public method

Add a user identifier.
public addUid ( string $uid ) : DistinguishedName
$uid string
return DistinguishedName

assemble() public method

Assembles all of the RDNs and returns the result.
public assemble ( ) : string
return string

assembleCns() public method

Assembles the common names in the distinguished name.
public assembleCns ( ) : string
return string

assembleDcs() public method

Assembles the domain components in the distinguished Name.
public assembleDcs ( ) : string
return string

assembleOs() public method

Assembles the organization names in the distinguished name.
public assembleOs ( ) : string
return string

assembleOus() public method

Assembles the organizational units in the distinguished Name.
public assembleOus ( ) : string
return string

assembleRdns() protected method

Assembles an RDN with the specified attribute and value.
protected assembleRdns ( string $attribute, array $values = [] ) : string
$attribute string
$values array
return string

assembleUids() public method

Assembles the user ID's in the distinguished name.
public assembleUids ( ) : string
return string

get() public method

Returns the complete distinguished name.
public get ( ) : string
return string

removeCn() public method

Removes a common name.
public removeCn ( string $cn ) : DistinguishedName
$cn string
return DistinguishedName

removeDc() public method

Removes a domain component.
public removeDc ( string $dc ) : DistinguishedName
$dc string
return DistinguishedName

removeO() public method

Removes an organization name.
public removeO ( string $o ) : DistinguishedName
$o string
return DistinguishedName

removeOu() public method

Removes an organizational unit.
public removeOu ( string $ou ) : DistinguishedName
$ou string
return DistinguishedName

removeUid() public method

Removes a user identifier.
public removeUid ( string $uid ) : DistinguishedName
$uid string
return DistinguishedName

setBase() public method

Sets the base RDN of the distinguished name.
public setBase ( string | DistinguishedName $base ) : DistinguishedName
$base string | DistinguishedName
return DistinguishedName

setSchema() public method

Sets the schema for the distinguished name.
public setSchema ( Adldap\Schemas\SchemaInterface $schema = null ) : DistinguishedName
$schema Adldap\Schemas\SchemaInterface
return DistinguishedName

Property Details

$commonNames protected_oe property

The common names in the DN.
protected array $commonNames
return array

$domainComponents protected_oe property

The domain components in the DN.
protected array $domainComponents
return array

$organizationNames protected_oe property

The organization names in the DN.
protected array $organizationNames
return array

$organizationUnits protected_oe property

The organizational units in the DN.
protected array $organizationUnits
return array

$schema protected_oe property

The current LDAP schema.
protected SchemaInterface,Adldap\Schemas $schema
return Adldap\Schemas\SchemaInterface

$types protected_oe property

The RDN attribute types.
protected array $types
return array

$userIds protected_oe property

The uid's in the DN.
protected array $userIds
return array