PHP Class Aerys\Client

Inheritance: use trait Amp\Struct
Datei anzeigen Open project: amphp/aerys

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$bodyPromisors Requires Client object as first argument // @TODO cyclic reference to Server object

Property Details

$allowsPush public_oe property

public $allowsPush

$bodyPromisors public_oe property

Requires Client object as first argument // @TODO cyclic reference to Server object
public $bodyPromisors

$bufferPromisor public_oe property

public $bufferPromisor

$bufferSize public_oe property

public $bufferSize

$clientAddr public_oe property

public $clientAddr

$clientPort public_oe property

public $clientPort

$cryptoInfo public_oe property

public $cryptoInfo

$exporter public_oe property

public $exporter

$httpDriver public_oe property

public $httpDriver

$id public_oe property

public $id

$initialWindowSize public_oe property

public $initialWindowSize

$isDead public_oe property

public $isDead

$isEncrypted public_oe property

public $isEncrypted

$isExported public_oe property

public $isExported

$onWriteDrain public_oe property

public $onWriteDrain

$options public_oe property

public $options

$parserEmitLock public_oe property

public $parserEmitLock

$pendingResponses public_oe property

public $pendingResponses

$readWatcher public_oe property

public $readWatcher

$remainingKeepAlives public_oe property

public $remainingKeepAlives

$requestParser public_oe property

public $requestParser

$serverAddr public_oe property

public $serverAddr

$serverPort public_oe property

public $serverPort

$shouldClose public_oe property

public $shouldClose

$socket public_oe property

public $socket

$streamEnd public_oe property

public $streamEnd

$streamId public_oe property

public $streamId

$streamWindow public_oe property

public $streamWindow

$streamWindowBuffer public_oe property

public $streamWindowBuffer

$window public_oe property

public $window

$writeBuffer public_oe property

public $writeBuffer

$writeWatcher public_oe property

public $writeWatcher