PHP Class Airship\Cabin\Bridge\Landing\Proto\FileManager

Inheritance: extends Airship\Cabin\Bridge\Landing\LoggedInUsersOnly, use trait Airship\Engine\Bolt\Get
Datei anzeigen Open project: paragonie/airship Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$attribution array
$files Airship\Cabin\Bridge\Blueprint\Files
$path_middle string
$root_dir string

Public Methods

Method Description
airshipLand ( ) This function is called after the dependencies have been injected by AutoPilot. Think of it as a user-land constructor.
commonSelectCabin ( ) Process the landing page.

Protected Methods

Method Description
commonConfirmDeleteDir ( string $path, string $cabin ) Confirm directory deletion
commonConfirmDeleteFile ( string $file, string $path, string $cabin ) Confirm file deletion
commonGetFileInfo ( string $file, string $path, string $cabin ) Get information about a file
commonIndex ( string $path, string $cabin ) Process the landing page.
commonMoveDir ( string $path, string $cabin ) Move/Rename a directory
commonMoveFile ( string $file, string $path, string $cabin ) Move/rename a file
createDir ( integer $directoryId = null, string $cabin = '', array $post = [] ) : array Create a new directory for file uploads
determinePath ( string &$cabin ) : string Don't break on bad Apache/nginx configuration (which is common)
getPath ( string $path ) : array Given a string (and a predetermined current root directory), get a sequence of folder names to determine the current path
loadCommonData ( string $path, string $cabin ) : array Reduce code duplication
permCheck ( ) : boolean Permissions check -- override this in base classes
uploadFiles ( integer $directoryId = null, string $cabin = '' ) : array Upload files

Method Details

airshipLand() public method

This function is called after the dependencies have been injected by AutoPilot. Think of it as a user-land constructor.
public airshipLand ( )

commonConfirmDeleteDir() protected method

Confirm directory deletion
protected commonConfirmDeleteDir ( string $path, string $cabin )
$path string
$cabin string

commonConfirmDeleteFile() protected method

Confirm file deletion
protected commonConfirmDeleteFile ( string $file, string $path, string $cabin )
$file string
$path string
$cabin string

commonGetFileInfo() protected method

Get information about a file
protected commonGetFileInfo ( string $file, string $path, string $cabin )
$file string
$path string
$cabin string

commonIndex() protected method

Process the landing page.
protected commonIndex ( string $path, string $cabin )
$path string
$cabin string

commonMoveDir() protected method

Move/Rename a directory
protected commonMoveDir ( string $path, string $cabin )
$path string
$cabin string

commonMoveFile() protected method

Move/rename a file
protected commonMoveFile ( string $file, string $path, string $cabin )
$file string
$path string
$cabin string

commonSelectCabin() public method

Process the landing page.
public commonSelectCabin ( )

createDir() protected method

Create a new directory for file uploads
protected createDir ( integer $directoryId = null, string $cabin = '', array $post = [] ) : array
$directoryId integer
$cabin string
$post array
return array

determinePath() protected method

Don't break on bad Apache/nginx configuration (which is common)
protected determinePath ( string &$cabin ) : string
$cabin string
return string

getPath() protected method

Given a string (and a predetermined current root directory), get a sequence of folder names to determine the current path
protected getPath ( string $path ) : array
$path string
return array

loadCommonData() protected method

Reduce code duplication
protected loadCommonData ( string $path, string $cabin ) : array
$path string
$cabin string
return array (array $publicPath, int|null $root)

permCheck() protected method

Permissions check -- override this in base classes
protected permCheck ( ) : boolean
return boolean

uploadFiles() protected method

Upload files
protected uploadFiles ( integer $directoryId = null, string $cabin = '' ) : array
$directoryId integer
$cabin string
return array

Property Details

$attribution protected_oe property

protected array $attribution
return array

$files protected_oe property

protected Files,Airship\Cabin\Bridge\Blueprint $files
return Airship\Cabin\Bridge\Blueprint\Files

$path_middle protected_oe property

protected string $path_middle
return string

$root_dir protected_oe property

protected string $root_dir
return string