PHP Class Api\StructType\ApiBannerInfo

Inheritance: extends WsdlToPhp\PackageBase\AbstractStructBase
Datei anzeigen Open project: wsdltophp/packagegenerator

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$AdGroupID integer The AdGroupID Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$AdGroupMobileBidAdjustment integer The AdGroupMobileBidAdjustment Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$AdGroupName string The AdGroupName Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$AdImageHash string The AdImageHash Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$AdWarnings string[] The AdWarnings Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true - arrayType: xsd:string[] - ref: soapenc:arrayType
$AgeLabel string The AgeLabel Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$AutoMinusWords string The AutoMinusWords Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$BannerID integer The BannerID Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$CampaignID integer The CampaignID Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$ContactInfo Api\StructType\ApiContactInfo The ContactInfo Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$Domain string The Domain Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$FixedOnModeration string The FixedOnModeration Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$Geo string The Geo Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$Href string The Href Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$IsActive string The IsActive Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$MinusKeywords string[] The MinusKeywords Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true - arrayType: xsd:string[] - ref: soapenc:arrayType
$ModerateRejectionReasons Api\StructType\ApiRejectReason[] The ModerateRejectionReasons Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true - arrayType: namesp1:RejectReason[] - ref: soapenc:arrayType
$Phrases Api\StructType\ApiBannerPhraseInfo[] The Phrases Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true - arrayType: namesp1:BannerPhraseInfo[] - ref: soapenc:arrayType
$Sitelinks Api\StructType\ApiSitelink[] The Sitelinks Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true - arrayType: namesp1:Sitelink[] - ref: soapenc:arrayType
$StatusActivating string The StatusActivating Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$StatusAdImageModerate string The StatusAdImageModerate Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$StatusArchive string The StatusArchive Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$StatusBannerModerate string The StatusBannerModerate Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$StatusPhoneModerate string The StatusPhoneModerate Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$StatusPhrasesModerate string The StatusPhrasesModerate Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$StatusShow string The StatusShow Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$StatusSitelinksModerate string The StatusSitelinksModerate Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$Text string The Text Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$Title string The Title Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$Type string The Type Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( integer $bannerID = null, integer $campaignID = null, string $title = null, string $text = null, string $href = null, string $domain = null, Api\StructType\ApiContactInfo $contactInfo = null, string $geo = null, array $phrases = [], array $minusKeywords = [], string $statusActivating = null, string $statusArchive = null, string $statusBannerModerate = null, string $statusPhrasesModerate = null, string $statusPhoneModerate = null, string $statusShow = null, string $isActive = null, string $statusSitelinksModerate = null, array $sitelinks = [], array $adWarnings = [], string $fixedOnModeration = null, array $moderateRejectionReasons = [], string $type = null, integer $adGroupID = null, string $adGroupName = null, string $autoMinusWords = null, string $ageLabel = null, string $adImageHash = null, string $statusAdImageModerate = null, integer $adGroupMobileBidAdjustment = null ) Constructor method for BannerInfo
__set_state ( array $array ) : ApiBannerInfo Method called when an object has been exported with var_export() functions It allows to return an object instantiated with the values
__toString ( ) : string Method returning the class name
addToAdWarnings ( string $item ) : ApiBannerInfo Add item to AdWarnings value
addToMinusKeywords ( string $item ) : ApiBannerInfo Add item to MinusKeywords value
addToModerateRejectionReasons ( Api\StructType\ApiRejectReason $item ) : ApiBannerInfo Add item to ModerateRejectionReasons value
addToPhrases ( Api\StructType\ApiBannerPhraseInfo $item ) : ApiBannerInfo Add item to Phrases value
addToSitelinks ( Api\StructType\ApiSitelink $item ) : ApiBannerInfo Add item to Sitelinks value
getAdGroupID ( ) : integer | null Get AdGroupID value
getAdGroupMobileBidAdjustment ( ) : integer | null Get AdGroupMobileBidAdjustment value
getAdGroupName ( ) : string | null Get AdGroupName value
getAdImageHash ( ) : string | null Get AdImageHash value
getAdWarnings ( ) : string[] | null Get AdWarnings value
getAgeLabel ( ) : string | null Get AgeLabel value
getAutoMinusWords ( ) : string | null Get AutoMinusWords value
getBannerID ( ) : integer | null Get BannerID value
getCampaignID ( ) : integer | null Get CampaignID value
getContactInfo ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiContactInfo | null Get ContactInfo value
getDomain ( ) : string | null Get Domain value
getFixedOnModeration ( ) : string | null Get FixedOnModeration value
getGeo ( ) : string | null Get Geo value
getHref ( ) : string | null Get Href value
getIsActive ( ) : string | null Get IsActive value
getMinusKeywords ( ) : string[] | null Get MinusKeywords value
getModerateRejectionReasons ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiRejectReason[] | null Get ModerateRejectionReasons value
getPhrases ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiBannerPhraseInfo[] | null Get Phrases value
getSitelinks ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiSitelink[] | null Get Sitelinks value
getStatusActivating ( ) : string | null Get StatusActivating value
getStatusAdImageModerate ( ) : string | null Get StatusAdImageModerate value
getStatusArchive ( ) : string | null Get StatusArchive value
getStatusBannerModerate ( ) : string | null Get StatusBannerModerate value
getStatusPhoneModerate ( ) : string | null Get StatusPhoneModerate value
getStatusPhrasesModerate ( ) : string | null Get StatusPhrasesModerate value
getStatusShow ( ) : string | null Get StatusShow value
getStatusSitelinksModerate ( ) : string | null Get StatusSitelinksModerate value
getText ( ) : string | null Get Text value
getTitle ( ) : string | null Get Title value
getType ( ) : string | null Get Type value
setAdGroupID ( integer $adGroupID = null ) : ApiBannerInfo Set AdGroupID value
setAdGroupMobileBidAdjustment ( integer $adGroupMobileBidAdjustment = null ) : ApiBannerInfo Set AdGroupMobileBidAdjustment value
setAdGroupName ( string $adGroupName = null ) : ApiBannerInfo Set AdGroupName value
setAdImageHash ( string $adImageHash = null ) : ApiBannerInfo Set AdImageHash value
setAdWarnings ( array $adWarnings = [] ) : ApiBannerInfo Set AdWarnings value
setAgeLabel ( string $ageLabel = null ) : ApiBannerInfo Set AgeLabel value
setAutoMinusWords ( string $autoMinusWords = null ) : ApiBannerInfo Set AutoMinusWords value
setBannerID ( integer $bannerID = null ) : ApiBannerInfo Set BannerID value
setCampaignID ( integer $campaignID = null ) : ApiBannerInfo Set CampaignID value
setContactInfo ( Api\StructType\ApiContactInfo $contactInfo = null ) : ApiBannerInfo Set ContactInfo value
setDomain ( string $domain = null ) : ApiBannerInfo Set Domain value
setFixedOnModeration ( string $fixedOnModeration = null ) : ApiBannerInfo Set FixedOnModeration value
setGeo ( string $geo = null ) : ApiBannerInfo Set Geo value
setHref ( string $href = null ) : ApiBannerInfo Set Href value
setIsActive ( string $isActive = null ) : ApiBannerInfo Set IsActive value
setMinusKeywords ( array $minusKeywords = [] ) : ApiBannerInfo Set MinusKeywords value
setModerateRejectionReasons ( array $moderateRejectionReasons = [] ) : ApiBannerInfo Set ModerateRejectionReasons value
setPhrases ( array $phrases = [] ) : ApiBannerInfo Set Phrases value
setSitelinks ( array $sitelinks = [] ) : ApiBannerInfo Set Sitelinks value
setStatusActivating ( string $statusActivating = null ) : ApiBannerInfo Set StatusActivating value
setStatusAdImageModerate ( string $statusAdImageModerate = null ) : ApiBannerInfo Set StatusAdImageModerate value
setStatusArchive ( string $statusArchive = null ) : ApiBannerInfo Set StatusArchive value
setStatusBannerModerate ( string $statusBannerModerate = null ) : ApiBannerInfo Set StatusBannerModerate value
setStatusPhoneModerate ( string $statusPhoneModerate = null ) : ApiBannerInfo Set StatusPhoneModerate value
setStatusPhrasesModerate ( string $statusPhrasesModerate = null ) : ApiBannerInfo Set StatusPhrasesModerate value
setStatusShow ( string $statusShow = null ) : ApiBannerInfo Set StatusShow value
setStatusSitelinksModerate ( string $statusSitelinksModerate = null ) : ApiBannerInfo Set StatusSitelinksModerate value
setText ( string $text = null ) : ApiBannerInfo Set Text value
setTitle ( string $title = null ) : ApiBannerInfo Set Title value
setType ( string $type = null ) : ApiBannerInfo Set Type value

Method Details

__construct() public method

Constructor method for BannerInfo
public __construct ( integer $bannerID = null, integer $campaignID = null, string $title = null, string $text = null, string $href = null, string $domain = null, Api\StructType\ApiContactInfo $contactInfo = null, string $geo = null, array $phrases = [], array $minusKeywords = [], string $statusActivating = null, string $statusArchive = null, string $statusBannerModerate = null, string $statusPhrasesModerate = null, string $statusPhoneModerate = null, string $statusShow = null, string $isActive = null, string $statusSitelinksModerate = null, array $sitelinks = [], array $adWarnings = [], string $fixedOnModeration = null, array $moderateRejectionReasons = [], string $type = null, integer $adGroupID = null, string $adGroupName = null, string $autoMinusWords = null, string $ageLabel = null, string $adImageHash = null, string $statusAdImageModerate = null, integer $adGroupMobileBidAdjustment = null )
$bannerID integer
$campaignID integer
$title string
$text string
$href string
$domain string
$contactInfo Api\StructType\ApiContactInfo
$geo string
$phrases array
$minusKeywords array
$statusActivating string
$statusArchive string
$statusBannerModerate string
$statusPhrasesModerate string
$statusPhoneModerate string
$statusShow string
$isActive string
$statusSitelinksModerate string
$sitelinks array
$adWarnings array
$fixedOnModeration string
$moderateRejectionReasons array
$type string
$adGroupID integer
$adGroupName string
$autoMinusWords string
$ageLabel string
$adImageHash string
$statusAdImageModerate string
$adGroupMobileBidAdjustment integer

__set_state() public static method

Method called when an object has been exported with var_export() functions It allows to return an object instantiated with the values
See also: AbstractStructBase::__set_state()
public static __set_state ( array $array ) : ApiBannerInfo
$array array the exported values
return ApiBannerInfo

__toString() public method

Method returning the class name
public __toString ( ) : string
return string __CLASS__

addToAdWarnings() public method

Add item to AdWarnings value
public addToAdWarnings ( string $item ) : ApiBannerInfo
$item string
return ApiBannerInfo

addToMinusKeywords() public method

Add item to MinusKeywords value
public addToMinusKeywords ( string $item ) : ApiBannerInfo
$item string
return ApiBannerInfo

addToModerateRejectionReasons() public method

Add item to ModerateRejectionReasons value
public addToModerateRejectionReasons ( Api\StructType\ApiRejectReason $item ) : ApiBannerInfo
$item Api\StructType\ApiRejectReason
return ApiBannerInfo

addToPhrases() public method

Add item to Phrases value
public addToPhrases ( Api\StructType\ApiBannerPhraseInfo $item ) : ApiBannerInfo
$item Api\StructType\ApiBannerPhraseInfo
return ApiBannerInfo

getAdGroupID() public method

Get AdGroupID value
public getAdGroupID ( ) : integer | null
return integer | null

getAdGroupMobileBidAdjustment() public method

Get AdGroupMobileBidAdjustment value

getAdGroupName() public method

Get AdGroupName value
public getAdGroupName ( ) : string | null
return string | null

getAdImageHash() public method

Get AdImageHash value
public getAdImageHash ( ) : string | null
return string | null

getAdWarnings() public method

Get AdWarnings value
public getAdWarnings ( ) : string[] | null
return string[] | null

getAgeLabel() public method

Get AgeLabel value
public getAgeLabel ( ) : string | null
return string | null

getAutoMinusWords() public method

Get AutoMinusWords value
public getAutoMinusWords ( ) : string | null
return string | null

getBannerID() public method

Get BannerID value
public getBannerID ( ) : integer | null
return integer | null

getCampaignID() public method

Get CampaignID value
public getCampaignID ( ) : integer | null
return integer | null

getContactInfo() public method

Get ContactInfo value
public getContactInfo ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiContactInfo | null
return Api\StructType\ApiContactInfo | null

getDomain() public method

Get Domain value
public getDomain ( ) : string | null
return string | null

getFixedOnModeration() public method

Get FixedOnModeration value
public getFixedOnModeration ( ) : string | null
return string | null

getGeo() public method

Get Geo value
public getGeo ( ) : string | null
return string | null

getHref() public method

Get Href value
public getHref ( ) : string | null
return string | null

getIsActive() public method

Get IsActive value
public getIsActive ( ) : string | null
return string | null

getMinusKeywords() public method

Get MinusKeywords value
public getMinusKeywords ( ) : string[] | null
return string[] | null

getModerateRejectionReasons() public method

Get ModerateRejectionReasons value
public getModerateRejectionReasons ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiRejectReason[] | null
return Api\StructType\ApiRejectReason[] | null

getPhrases() public method

Get Phrases value
public getPhrases ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiBannerPhraseInfo[] | null
return Api\StructType\ApiBannerPhraseInfo[] | null

getStatusActivating() public method

Get StatusActivating value
public getStatusActivating ( ) : string | null
return string | null

getStatusAdImageModerate() public method

Get StatusAdImageModerate value
public getStatusAdImageModerate ( ) : string | null
return string | null

getStatusArchive() public method

Get StatusArchive value
public getStatusArchive ( ) : string | null
return string | null

getStatusBannerModerate() public method

Get StatusBannerModerate value
public getStatusBannerModerate ( ) : string | null
return string | null

getStatusPhoneModerate() public method

Get StatusPhoneModerate value
public getStatusPhoneModerate ( ) : string | null
return string | null

getStatusPhrasesModerate() public method

Get StatusPhrasesModerate value
public getStatusPhrasesModerate ( ) : string | null
return string | null

getStatusShow() public method

Get StatusShow value
public getStatusShow ( ) : string | null
return string | null

getStatusSitelinksModerate() public method

Get StatusSitelinksModerate value

getText() public method

Get Text value
public getText ( ) : string | null
return string | null

getTitle() public method

Get Title value
public getTitle ( ) : string | null
return string | null

getType() public method

Get Type value
public getType ( ) : string | null
return string | null

setAdGroupID() public method

Set AdGroupID value
public setAdGroupID ( integer $adGroupID = null ) : ApiBannerInfo
$adGroupID integer
return ApiBannerInfo

setAdGroupMobileBidAdjustment() public method

Set AdGroupMobileBidAdjustment value
public setAdGroupMobileBidAdjustment ( integer $adGroupMobileBidAdjustment = null ) : ApiBannerInfo
$adGroupMobileBidAdjustment integer
return ApiBannerInfo

setAdGroupName() public method

Set AdGroupName value
public setAdGroupName ( string $adGroupName = null ) : ApiBannerInfo
$adGroupName string
return ApiBannerInfo

setAdImageHash() public method

Set AdImageHash value
public setAdImageHash ( string $adImageHash = null ) : ApiBannerInfo
$adImageHash string
return ApiBannerInfo

setAdWarnings() public method

Set AdWarnings value
public setAdWarnings ( array $adWarnings = [] ) : ApiBannerInfo
$adWarnings array
return ApiBannerInfo

setAgeLabel() public method

Set AgeLabel value
public setAgeLabel ( string $ageLabel = null ) : ApiBannerInfo
$ageLabel string
return ApiBannerInfo

setAutoMinusWords() public method

Set AutoMinusWords value
public setAutoMinusWords ( string $autoMinusWords = null ) : ApiBannerInfo
$autoMinusWords string
return ApiBannerInfo

setBannerID() public method

Set BannerID value
public setBannerID ( integer $bannerID = null ) : ApiBannerInfo
$bannerID integer
return ApiBannerInfo

setCampaignID() public method

Set CampaignID value
public setCampaignID ( integer $campaignID = null ) : ApiBannerInfo
$campaignID integer
return ApiBannerInfo

setContactInfo() public method

Set ContactInfo value
public setContactInfo ( Api\StructType\ApiContactInfo $contactInfo = null ) : ApiBannerInfo
$contactInfo Api\StructType\ApiContactInfo
return ApiBannerInfo

setDomain() public method

Set Domain value
public setDomain ( string $domain = null ) : ApiBannerInfo
$domain string
return ApiBannerInfo

setFixedOnModeration() public method

Set FixedOnModeration value
public setFixedOnModeration ( string $fixedOnModeration = null ) : ApiBannerInfo
$fixedOnModeration string
return ApiBannerInfo

setGeo() public method

Set Geo value
public setGeo ( string $geo = null ) : ApiBannerInfo
$geo string
return ApiBannerInfo

setHref() public method

Set Href value
public setHref ( string $href = null ) : ApiBannerInfo
$href string
return ApiBannerInfo

setIsActive() public method

Set IsActive value
public setIsActive ( string $isActive = null ) : ApiBannerInfo
$isActive string
return ApiBannerInfo

setMinusKeywords() public method

Set MinusKeywords value
public setMinusKeywords ( array $minusKeywords = [] ) : ApiBannerInfo
$minusKeywords array
return ApiBannerInfo

setModerateRejectionReasons() public method

Set ModerateRejectionReasons value
public setModerateRejectionReasons ( array $moderateRejectionReasons = [] ) : ApiBannerInfo
$moderateRejectionReasons array
return ApiBannerInfo

setPhrases() public method

Set Phrases value
public setPhrases ( array $phrases = [] ) : ApiBannerInfo
$phrases array
return ApiBannerInfo

setStatusActivating() public method

Set StatusActivating value
public setStatusActivating ( string $statusActivating = null ) : ApiBannerInfo
$statusActivating string
return ApiBannerInfo

setStatusAdImageModerate() public method

Set StatusAdImageModerate value
public setStatusAdImageModerate ( string $statusAdImageModerate = null ) : ApiBannerInfo
$statusAdImageModerate string
return ApiBannerInfo

setStatusArchive() public method

Set StatusArchive value
public setStatusArchive ( string $statusArchive = null ) : ApiBannerInfo
$statusArchive string
return ApiBannerInfo

setStatusBannerModerate() public method

Set StatusBannerModerate value
public setStatusBannerModerate ( string $statusBannerModerate = null ) : ApiBannerInfo
$statusBannerModerate string
return ApiBannerInfo

setStatusPhoneModerate() public method

Set StatusPhoneModerate value
public setStatusPhoneModerate ( string $statusPhoneModerate = null ) : ApiBannerInfo
$statusPhoneModerate string
return ApiBannerInfo

setStatusPhrasesModerate() public method

Set StatusPhrasesModerate value
public setStatusPhrasesModerate ( string $statusPhrasesModerate = null ) : ApiBannerInfo
$statusPhrasesModerate string
return ApiBannerInfo

setStatusShow() public method

Set StatusShow value
public setStatusShow ( string $statusShow = null ) : ApiBannerInfo
$statusShow string
return ApiBannerInfo

setStatusSitelinksModerate() public method

Set StatusSitelinksModerate value
public setStatusSitelinksModerate ( string $statusSitelinksModerate = null ) : ApiBannerInfo
$statusSitelinksModerate string
return ApiBannerInfo

setText() public method

Set Text value
public setText ( string $text = null ) : ApiBannerInfo
$text string
return ApiBannerInfo

setTitle() public method

Set Title value
public setTitle ( string $title = null ) : ApiBannerInfo
$title string
return ApiBannerInfo

setType() public method

Set Type value
public setType ( string $type = null ) : ApiBannerInfo
$type string
return ApiBannerInfo

Property Details

$AdGroupID public_oe property

The AdGroupID Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public int $AdGroupID
return integer

$AdGroupMobileBidAdjustment public_oe property

The AdGroupMobileBidAdjustment Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public int $AdGroupMobileBidAdjustment
return integer

$AdGroupName public_oe property

The AdGroupName Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public string $AdGroupName
return string

$AdImageHash public_oe property

The AdImageHash Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public string $AdImageHash
return string

$AdWarnings public_oe property

The AdWarnings Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true - arrayType: xsd:string[] - ref: soapenc:arrayType
public string[] $AdWarnings
return string[]

$AgeLabel public_oe property

The AgeLabel Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public string $AgeLabel
return string

$AutoMinusWords public_oe property

The AutoMinusWords Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public string $AutoMinusWords
return string

$BannerID public_oe property

The BannerID Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public int $BannerID
return integer

$CampaignID public_oe property

The CampaignID Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public int $CampaignID
return integer

$ContactInfo public_oe property

The ContactInfo Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public ApiContactInfo,Api\StructType $ContactInfo
return Api\StructType\ApiContactInfo

$Domain public_oe property

The Domain Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public string $Domain
return string

$FixedOnModeration public_oe property

The FixedOnModeration Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public string $FixedOnModeration
return string

$Geo public_oe property

The Geo Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public string $Geo
return string

$Href public_oe property

The Href Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public string $Href
return string

$IsActive public_oe property

The IsActive Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public string $IsActive
return string

$MinusKeywords public_oe property

The MinusKeywords Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true - arrayType: xsd:string[] - ref: soapenc:arrayType
public string[] $MinusKeywords
return string[]

$ModerateRejectionReasons public_oe property

The ModerateRejectionReasons Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true - arrayType: namesp1:RejectReason[] - ref: soapenc:arrayType
public ApiRejectReason[],Api\StructType $ModerateRejectionReasons
return Api\StructType\ApiRejectReason[]

$Phrases public_oe property

The Phrases Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true - arrayType: namesp1:BannerPhraseInfo[] - ref: soapenc:arrayType
public ApiBannerPhraseInfo[],Api\StructType $Phrases
return Api\StructType\ApiBannerPhraseInfo[]

$StatusActivating public_oe property

The StatusActivating Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public string $StatusActivating
return string

$StatusAdImageModerate public_oe property

The StatusAdImageModerate Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public string $StatusAdImageModerate
return string

$StatusArchive public_oe property

The StatusArchive Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public string $StatusArchive
return string

$StatusBannerModerate public_oe property

The StatusBannerModerate Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public string $StatusBannerModerate
return string

$StatusPhoneModerate public_oe property

The StatusPhoneModerate Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public string $StatusPhoneModerate
return string

$StatusPhrasesModerate public_oe property

The StatusPhrasesModerate Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public string $StatusPhrasesModerate
return string

$StatusShow public_oe property

The StatusShow Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public string $StatusShow
return string

$StatusSitelinksModerate public_oe property

The StatusSitelinksModerate Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public string $StatusSitelinksModerate
return string

$Text public_oe property

The Text Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public string $Text
return string

$Title public_oe property

The Title Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public string $Title
return string

$Type public_oe property

The Type Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public string $Type
return string