PHP Class Api\StructType\ApiHouseProfileData

Inheritance: extends WsdlToPhp\PackageBase\AbstractStructBase
Datei anzeigen Open project: wsdltophp/packagegenerator

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$accounts_count integer The accounts_count Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$area_land float The area_land Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true - fractionDigits: 2 - totalDigits: 15
$area_municipal float The area_municipal Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true - fractionDigits: 2 - totalDigits: 15
$area_national float The area_national Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true - fractionDigits: 2 - totalDigits: 15
$area_non_residential float The area_non_residential Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true - fractionDigits: 2 - totalDigits: 15
$area_private float The area_private Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true - fractionDigits: 2 - totalDigits: 15
$area_residential float The area_residential Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true - fractionDigits: 2 - totalDigits: 15
$area_territory float The area_territory Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true - fractionDigits: 2 - totalDigits: 15
$area_total float The area_total Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - fractionDigits: 2 - totalDigits: 15
$basement Api\StructType\ApiBasement The basement Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$cadastral_number string The cadastral_number Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$chute Api\StructType\ApiChute The chute Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$cold_water_provider Api\StructType\ApiProvider The cold_water_provider Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$cold_water_system Api\StructType\ApiColdWaterSystem The cold_water_system Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$common_space Api\StructType\ApiCommonSpace The common_space Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$construction_features string The construction_features Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$deterioration_bearing_walls float The deterioration_bearing_walls Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true - fractionDigits: 2 - totalDigits: 15
$deterioration_floor float The deterioration_floor Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true - fractionDigits: 2 - totalDigits: 15
$deterioration_foundation float The deterioration_foundation Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true - fractionDigits: 2 - totalDigits: 15
$deterioration_total float The deterioration_total Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true - fractionDigits: 2 - totalDigits: 15
$drainage_provider Api\StructType\ApiProvider The drainage_provider Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$electricity_provider Api\StructType\ApiProvider The electricity_provider Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$electricity_system Api\StructType\ApiElectricitySystem The electricity_system Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$elevators_count integer The elevators_count Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$energy_audit_date string The energy_audit_date Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$energy_efficiency string The energy_efficiency Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$entrance_count integer The entrance_count Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$exploitation_start_year string The exploitation_start_year Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$facade Api\StructType\ApiFacade The facade Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$finance Api\StructType\ApiFinance The finance Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$flats_count integer The flats_count Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$floor_type string The floor_type Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$gas_provider Api\StructType\ApiProvider The gas_provider Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$gas_system Api\StructType\ApiGasSystem The gas_system Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$heating_provider Api\StructType\ApiProvider The heating_provider Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$heating_system Api\StructType\ApiHeatingSystem The heating_system Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$hot_water_provider Api\StructType\ApiProvider The hot_water_provider Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$hot_water_system Api\StructType\ApiHotWaterSystem The hot_water_system Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$house_type string The house_type Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$individual_name string The individual_name Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$inventory_number string The inventory_number Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$lifts Api\StructType\ApiLift[] The lifts Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true - arrayType: tns:Lift[] - ref: soap-enc:arrayType
$location_description string The location_description Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$management_contract Api\StructType\ApiManagementContract The management_contract Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$privatization_start_date string The privatization_start_date Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$project_type string The project_type Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$residents_count integer The residents_count Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$roof Api\StructType\ApiRoof The roof Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$sewerage_system Api\StructType\ApiSewerageSystem The sewerage_system Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$storeys_count integer The storeys_count Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
$thermal_actual_expense float The thermal_actual_expense Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true - fractionDigits: 2 - totalDigits: 15
$thermal_normative_expense float The thermal_normative_expense Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true - fractionDigits: 2 - totalDigits: 15
$wall_material string The wall_material Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( float $area_total = null, float $area_residential = null, float $area_non_residential = null, string $cadastral_number = null, string $project_type = null, string $location_description = null, string $individual_name = null, string $house_type = null, string $exploitation_start_year = null, string $wall_material = null, string $floor_type = null, integer $storeys_count = null, integer $entrance_count = null, integer $elevators_count = null, float $area_private = null, float $area_municipal = null, float $area_national = null, float $area_land = null, float $area_territory = null, string $inventory_number = null, integer $flats_count = null, integer $residents_count = null, integer $accounts_count = null, string $construction_features = null, float $thermal_actual_expense = null, float $thermal_normative_expense = null, string $energy_efficiency = null, string $energy_audit_date = null, string $privatization_start_date = null, float $deterioration_total = null, float $deterioration_foundation = null, float $deterioration_bearing_walls = null, float $deterioration_floor = null, Api\StructType\ApiFacade $facade = null, Api\StructType\ApiRoof $roof = null, Api\StructType\ApiBasement $basement = null, Api\StructType\ApiCommonSpace $common_space = null, Api\StructType\ApiChute $chute = null, Api\StructType\ApiHeatingSystem $heating_system = null, Api\StructType\ApiHotWaterSystem $hot_water_system = null, Api\StructType\ApiColdWaterSystem $cold_water_system = null, Api\StructType\ApiSewerageSystem $sewerage_system = null, Api\StructType\ApiElectricitySystem $electricity_system = null, Api\StructType\ApiGasSystem $gas_system = null, array $lifts = [], Api\StructType\ApiManagementContract $management_contract = null, Api\StructType\ApiProvider $heating_provider = null, Api\StructType\ApiProvider $electricity_provider = null, Api\StructType\ApiProvider $gas_provider = null, Api\StructType\ApiProvider $hot_water_provider = null, Api\StructType\ApiProvider $cold_water_provider = null, Api\StructType\ApiProvider $drainage_provider = null, Api\StructType\ApiFinance $finance = null ) Constructor method for HouseProfileData
__set_state ( array $array ) : ApiHouseProfileData Method called when an object has been exported with var_export() functions It allows to return an object instantiated with the values
__toString ( ) : string Method returning the class name
addToLifts ( Api\StructType\ApiLift $item ) : ApiHouseProfileData Add item to lifts value
getAccounts_count ( ) : integer | null Get accounts_count value
getArea_land ( ) : float | null Get area_land value
getArea_municipal ( ) : float | null Get area_municipal value
getArea_national ( ) : float | null Get area_national value
getArea_non_residential ( ) : float | null Get area_non_residential value
getArea_private ( ) : float | null Get area_private value
getArea_residential ( ) : float | null Get area_residential value
getArea_territory ( ) : float | null Get area_territory value
getArea_total ( ) : float | null Get area_total value
getBasement ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiBasement | null Get basement value
getCadastral_number ( ) : string | null Get cadastral_number value
getChute ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiChute | null Get chute value
getCold_water_provider ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiProvider | null Get cold_water_provider value
getCold_water_system ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiColdWaterSystem | null Get cold_water_system value
getCommon_space ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiCommonSpace | null Get common_space value
getConstruction_features ( ) : string | null Get construction_features value
getDeterioration_bearing_walls ( ) : float | null Get deterioration_bearing_walls value
getDeterioration_floor ( ) : float | null Get deterioration_floor value
getDeterioration_foundation ( ) : float | null Get deterioration_foundation value
getDeterioration_total ( ) : float | null Get deterioration_total value
getDrainage_provider ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiProvider | null Get drainage_provider value
getElectricity_provider ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiProvider | null Get electricity_provider value
getElectricity_system ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiElectricitySystem | null Get electricity_system value
getElevators_count ( ) : integer | null Get elevators_count value
getEnergy_audit_date ( ) : string | null Get energy_audit_date value
getEnergy_efficiency ( ) : string | null Get energy_efficiency value
getEntrance_count ( ) : integer | null Get entrance_count value
getExploitation_start_year ( ) : string | null Get exploitation_start_year value
getFacade ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiFacade | null Get facade value
getFinance ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiFinance | null Get finance value
getFlats_count ( ) : integer | null Get flats_count value
getFloor_type ( ) : string | null Get floor_type value
getGas_provider ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiProvider | null Get gas_provider value
getGas_system ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiGasSystem | null Get gas_system value
getHeating_provider ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiProvider | null Get heating_provider value
getHeating_system ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiHeatingSystem | null Get heating_system value
getHot_water_provider ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiProvider | null Get hot_water_provider value
getHot_water_system ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiHotWaterSystem | null Get hot_water_system value
getHouse_type ( ) : string | null Get house_type value
getIndividual_name ( ) : string | null Get individual_name value
getInventory_number ( ) : string | null Get inventory_number value
getLifts ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiLift[] | null Get lifts value
getLocation_description ( ) : string | null Get location_description value
getManagement_contract ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiManagementContract | null Get management_contract value
getPrivatization_start_date ( ) : string | null Get privatization_start_date value
getProject_type ( ) : string | null Get project_type value
getResidents_count ( ) : integer | null Get residents_count value
getRoof ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiRoof | null Get roof value
getSewerage_system ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiSewerageSystem | null Get sewerage_system value
getStoreys_count ( ) : integer | null Get storeys_count value
getThermal_actual_expense ( ) : float | null Get thermal_actual_expense value
getThermal_normative_expense ( ) : float | null Get thermal_normative_expense value
getWall_material ( ) : string | null Get wall_material value
setAccounts_count ( integer $accounts_count = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set accounts_count value
setArea_land ( float $area_land = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set area_land value
setArea_municipal ( float $area_municipal = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set area_municipal value
setArea_national ( float $area_national = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set area_national value
setArea_non_residential ( float $area_non_residential = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set area_non_residential value
setArea_private ( float $area_private = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set area_private value
setArea_residential ( float $area_residential = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set area_residential value
setArea_territory ( float $area_territory = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set area_territory value
setArea_total ( float $area_total = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set area_total value
setBasement ( Api\StructType\ApiBasement $basement = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set basement value
setCadastral_number ( string $cadastral_number = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set cadastral_number value
setChute ( Api\StructType\ApiChute $chute = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set chute value
setCold_water_provider ( Api\StructType\ApiProvider $cold_water_provider = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set cold_water_provider value
setCold_water_system ( Api\StructType\ApiColdWaterSystem $cold_water_system = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set cold_water_system value
setCommon_space ( Api\StructType\ApiCommonSpace $common_space = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set common_space value
setConstruction_features ( string $construction_features = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set construction_features value
setDeterioration_bearing_walls ( float $deterioration_bearing_walls = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set deterioration_bearing_walls value
setDeterioration_floor ( float $deterioration_floor = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set deterioration_floor value
setDeterioration_foundation ( float $deterioration_foundation = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set deterioration_foundation value
setDeterioration_total ( float $deterioration_total = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set deterioration_total value
setDrainage_provider ( Api\StructType\ApiProvider $drainage_provider = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set drainage_provider value
setElectricity_provider ( Api\StructType\ApiProvider $electricity_provider = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set electricity_provider value
setElectricity_system ( Api\StructType\ApiElectricitySystem $electricity_system = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set electricity_system value
setElevators_count ( integer $elevators_count = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set elevators_count value
setEnergy_audit_date ( string $energy_audit_date = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set energy_audit_date value
setEnergy_efficiency ( string $energy_efficiency = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set energy_efficiency value
setEntrance_count ( integer $entrance_count = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set entrance_count value
setExploitation_start_year ( string $exploitation_start_year = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set exploitation_start_year value
setFacade ( Api\StructType\ApiFacade $facade = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set facade value
setFinance ( Api\StructType\ApiFinance $finance = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set finance value
setFlats_count ( integer $flats_count = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set flats_count value
setFloor_type ( string $floor_type = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set floor_type value
setGas_provider ( Api\StructType\ApiProvider $gas_provider = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set gas_provider value
setGas_system ( Api\StructType\ApiGasSystem $gas_system = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set gas_system value
setHeating_provider ( Api\StructType\ApiProvider $heating_provider = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set heating_provider value
setHeating_system ( Api\StructType\ApiHeatingSystem $heating_system = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set heating_system value
setHot_water_provider ( Api\StructType\ApiProvider $hot_water_provider = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set hot_water_provider value
setHot_water_system ( Api\StructType\ApiHotWaterSystem $hot_water_system = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set hot_water_system value
setHouse_type ( string $house_type = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set house_type value
setIndividual_name ( string $individual_name = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set individual_name value
setInventory_number ( string $inventory_number = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set inventory_number value
setLifts ( array $lifts = [] ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set lifts value
setLocation_description ( string $location_description = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set location_description value
setManagement_contract ( Api\StructType\ApiManagementContract $management_contract = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set management_contract value
setPrivatization_start_date ( string $privatization_start_date = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set privatization_start_date value
setProject_type ( string $project_type = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set project_type value
setResidents_count ( integer $residents_count = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set residents_count value
setRoof ( Api\StructType\ApiRoof $roof = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set roof value
setSewerage_system ( Api\StructType\ApiSewerageSystem $sewerage_system = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set sewerage_system value
setStoreys_count ( integer $storeys_count = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set storeys_count value
setThermal_actual_expense ( float $thermal_actual_expense = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set thermal_actual_expense value
setThermal_normative_expense ( float $thermal_normative_expense = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set thermal_normative_expense value
setWall_material ( string $wall_material = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData Set wall_material value

Method Details

__construct() public method

Constructor method for HouseProfileData
public __construct ( float $area_total = null, float $area_residential = null, float $area_non_residential = null, string $cadastral_number = null, string $project_type = null, string $location_description = null, string $individual_name = null, string $house_type = null, string $exploitation_start_year = null, string $wall_material = null, string $floor_type = null, integer $storeys_count = null, integer $entrance_count = null, integer $elevators_count = null, float $area_private = null, float $area_municipal = null, float $area_national = null, float $area_land = null, float $area_territory = null, string $inventory_number = null, integer $flats_count = null, integer $residents_count = null, integer $accounts_count = null, string $construction_features = null, float $thermal_actual_expense = null, float $thermal_normative_expense = null, string $energy_efficiency = null, string $energy_audit_date = null, string $privatization_start_date = null, float $deterioration_total = null, float $deterioration_foundation = null, float $deterioration_bearing_walls = null, float $deterioration_floor = null, Api\StructType\ApiFacade $facade = null, Api\StructType\ApiRoof $roof = null, Api\StructType\ApiBasement $basement = null, Api\StructType\ApiCommonSpace $common_space = null, Api\StructType\ApiChute $chute = null, Api\StructType\ApiHeatingSystem $heating_system = null, Api\StructType\ApiHotWaterSystem $hot_water_system = null, Api\StructType\ApiColdWaterSystem $cold_water_system = null, Api\StructType\ApiSewerageSystem $sewerage_system = null, Api\StructType\ApiElectricitySystem $electricity_system = null, Api\StructType\ApiGasSystem $gas_system = null, array $lifts = [], Api\StructType\ApiManagementContract $management_contract = null, Api\StructType\ApiProvider $heating_provider = null, Api\StructType\ApiProvider $electricity_provider = null, Api\StructType\ApiProvider $gas_provider = null, Api\StructType\ApiProvider $hot_water_provider = null, Api\StructType\ApiProvider $cold_water_provider = null, Api\StructType\ApiProvider $drainage_provider = null, Api\StructType\ApiFinance $finance = null )
$area_total float
$area_residential float
$area_non_residential float
$cadastral_number string
$project_type string
$location_description string
$individual_name string
$house_type string
$exploitation_start_year string
$wall_material string
$floor_type string
$storeys_count integer
$entrance_count integer
$elevators_count integer
$area_private float
$area_municipal float
$area_national float
$area_land float
$area_territory float
$inventory_number string
$flats_count integer
$residents_count integer
$accounts_count integer
$construction_features string
$thermal_actual_expense float
$thermal_normative_expense float
$energy_efficiency string
$energy_audit_date string
$privatization_start_date string
$deterioration_total float
$deterioration_foundation float
$deterioration_bearing_walls float
$deterioration_floor float
$facade Api\StructType\ApiFacade
$roof Api\StructType\ApiRoof
$basement Api\StructType\ApiBasement
$common_space Api\StructType\ApiCommonSpace
$chute Api\StructType\ApiChute
$heating_system Api\StructType\ApiHeatingSystem
$hot_water_system Api\StructType\ApiHotWaterSystem
$cold_water_system Api\StructType\ApiColdWaterSystem
$sewerage_system Api\StructType\ApiSewerageSystem
$electricity_system Api\StructType\ApiElectricitySystem
$gas_system Api\StructType\ApiGasSystem
$lifts array
$management_contract Api\StructType\ApiManagementContract
$heating_provider Api\StructType\ApiProvider
$electricity_provider Api\StructType\ApiProvider
$gas_provider Api\StructType\ApiProvider
$hot_water_provider Api\StructType\ApiProvider
$cold_water_provider Api\StructType\ApiProvider
$drainage_provider Api\StructType\ApiProvider
$finance Api\StructType\ApiFinance

__set_state() public static method

Method called when an object has been exported with var_export() functions It allows to return an object instantiated with the values
See also: AbstractStructBase::__set_state()
public static __set_state ( array $array ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$array array the exported values
return ApiHouseProfileData

__toString() public method

Method returning the class name
public __toString ( ) : string
return string __CLASS__

addToLifts() public method

Add item to lifts value
public addToLifts ( Api\StructType\ApiLift $item ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$item Api\StructType\ApiLift
return ApiHouseProfileData

getAccounts_count() public method

Get accounts_count value
public getAccounts_count ( ) : integer | null
return integer | null

getArea_land() public method

Get area_land value
public getArea_land ( ) : float | null
return float | null

getArea_municipal() public method

Get area_municipal value
public getArea_municipal ( ) : float | null
return float | null

getArea_national() public method

Get area_national value
public getArea_national ( ) : float | null
return float | null

getArea_non_residential() public method

Get area_non_residential value
public getArea_non_residential ( ) : float | null
return float | null

getArea_private() public method

Get area_private value
public getArea_private ( ) : float | null
return float | null

getArea_residential() public method

Get area_residential value
public getArea_residential ( ) : float | null
return float | null

getArea_territory() public method

Get area_territory value
public getArea_territory ( ) : float | null
return float | null

getArea_total() public method

Get area_total value
public getArea_total ( ) : float | null
return float | null

getBasement() public method

Get basement value
public getBasement ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiBasement | null
return Api\StructType\ApiBasement | null

getCadastral_number() public method

Get cadastral_number value
public getCadastral_number ( ) : string | null
return string | null

getChute() public method

Get chute value
public getChute ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiChute | null
return Api\StructType\ApiChute | null

getCold_water_provider() public method

Get cold_water_provider value
public getCold_water_provider ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiProvider | null
return Api\StructType\ApiProvider | null

getCold_water_system() public method

Get cold_water_system value
public getCold_water_system ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiColdWaterSystem | null
return Api\StructType\ApiColdWaterSystem | null

getCommon_space() public method

Get common_space value
public getCommon_space ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiCommonSpace | null
return Api\StructType\ApiCommonSpace | null

getConstruction_features() public method

Get construction_features value
public getConstruction_features ( ) : string | null
return string | null

getDeterioration_bearing_walls() public method

Get deterioration_bearing_walls value

getDeterioration_floor() public method

Get deterioration_floor value
public getDeterioration_floor ( ) : float | null
return float | null

getDeterioration_foundation() public method

Get deterioration_foundation value
public getDeterioration_foundation ( ) : float | null
return float | null

getDeterioration_total() public method

Get deterioration_total value
public getDeterioration_total ( ) : float | null
return float | null

getDrainage_provider() public method

Get drainage_provider value
public getDrainage_provider ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiProvider | null
return Api\StructType\ApiProvider | null

getElectricity_provider() public method

Get electricity_provider value
public getElectricity_provider ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiProvider | null
return Api\StructType\ApiProvider | null

getElectricity_system() public method

Get electricity_system value
public getElectricity_system ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiElectricitySystem | null
return Api\StructType\ApiElectricitySystem | null

getElevators_count() public method

Get elevators_count value
public getElevators_count ( ) : integer | null
return integer | null

getEnergy_audit_date() public method

Get energy_audit_date value
public getEnergy_audit_date ( ) : string | null
return string | null

getEnergy_efficiency() public method

Get energy_efficiency value
public getEnergy_efficiency ( ) : string | null
return string | null

getEntrance_count() public method

Get entrance_count value
public getEntrance_count ( ) : integer | null
return integer | null

getExploitation_start_year() public method

Get exploitation_start_year value

getFacade() public method

Get facade value
public getFacade ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiFacade | null
return Api\StructType\ApiFacade | null

getFinance() public method

Get finance value
public getFinance ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiFinance | null
return Api\StructType\ApiFinance | null

getFlats_count() public method

Get flats_count value
public getFlats_count ( ) : integer | null
return integer | null

getFloor_type() public method

Get floor_type value
public getFloor_type ( ) : string | null
return string | null

getGas_provider() public method

Get gas_provider value
public getGas_provider ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiProvider | null
return Api\StructType\ApiProvider | null

getGas_system() public method

Get gas_system value
public getGas_system ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiGasSystem | null
return Api\StructType\ApiGasSystem | null

getHeating_provider() public method

Get heating_provider value
public getHeating_provider ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiProvider | null
return Api\StructType\ApiProvider | null

getHeating_system() public method

Get heating_system value
public getHeating_system ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiHeatingSystem | null
return Api\StructType\ApiHeatingSystem | null

getHot_water_provider() public method

Get hot_water_provider value
public getHot_water_provider ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiProvider | null
return Api\StructType\ApiProvider | null

getHot_water_system() public method

Get hot_water_system value
public getHot_water_system ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiHotWaterSystem | null
return Api\StructType\ApiHotWaterSystem | null

getHouse_type() public method

Get house_type value
public getHouse_type ( ) : string | null
return string | null

getIndividual_name() public method

Get individual_name value
public getIndividual_name ( ) : string | null
return string | null

getInventory_number() public method

Get inventory_number value
public getInventory_number ( ) : string | null
return string | null

getLifts() public method

Get lifts value
public getLifts ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiLift[] | null
return Api\StructType\ApiLift[] | null

getLocation_description() public method

Get location_description value
public getLocation_description ( ) : string | null
return string | null

getManagement_contract() public method

Get management_contract value
public getManagement_contract ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiManagementContract | null
return Api\StructType\ApiManagementContract | null

getPrivatization_start_date() public method

Get privatization_start_date value

getProject_type() public method

Get project_type value
public getProject_type ( ) : string | null
return string | null

getResidents_count() public method

Get residents_count value
public getResidents_count ( ) : integer | null
return integer | null

getRoof() public method

Get roof value
public getRoof ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiRoof | null
return Api\StructType\ApiRoof | null

getSewerage_system() public method

Get sewerage_system value
public getSewerage_system ( ) : Api\StructType\ApiSewerageSystem | null
return Api\StructType\ApiSewerageSystem | null

getStoreys_count() public method

Get storeys_count value
public getStoreys_count ( ) : integer | null
return integer | null

getThermal_actual_expense() public method

Get thermal_actual_expense value
public getThermal_actual_expense ( ) : float | null
return float | null

getThermal_normative_expense() public method

Get thermal_normative_expense value

getWall_material() public method

Get wall_material value
public getWall_material ( ) : string | null
return string | null

setAccounts_count() public method

Set accounts_count value
public setAccounts_count ( integer $accounts_count = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$accounts_count integer
return ApiHouseProfileData

setArea_land() public method

Set area_land value
public setArea_land ( float $area_land = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$area_land float
return ApiHouseProfileData

setArea_municipal() public method

Set area_municipal value
public setArea_municipal ( float $area_municipal = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$area_municipal float
return ApiHouseProfileData

setArea_national() public method

Set area_national value
public setArea_national ( float $area_national = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$area_national float
return ApiHouseProfileData

setArea_non_residential() public method

Set area_non_residential value
public setArea_non_residential ( float $area_non_residential = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$area_non_residential float
return ApiHouseProfileData

setArea_private() public method

Set area_private value
public setArea_private ( float $area_private = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$area_private float
return ApiHouseProfileData

setArea_residential() public method

Set area_residential value
public setArea_residential ( float $area_residential = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$area_residential float
return ApiHouseProfileData

setArea_territory() public method

Set area_territory value
public setArea_territory ( float $area_territory = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$area_territory float
return ApiHouseProfileData

setArea_total() public method

Set area_total value
public setArea_total ( float $area_total = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$area_total float
return ApiHouseProfileData

setBasement() public method

Set basement value
public setBasement ( Api\StructType\ApiBasement $basement = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$basement Api\StructType\ApiBasement
return ApiHouseProfileData

setCadastral_number() public method

Set cadastral_number value
public setCadastral_number ( string $cadastral_number = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$cadastral_number string
return ApiHouseProfileData

setChute() public method

Set chute value
public setChute ( Api\StructType\ApiChute $chute = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$chute Api\StructType\ApiChute
return ApiHouseProfileData

setCold_water_provider() public method

Set cold_water_provider value
public setCold_water_provider ( Api\StructType\ApiProvider $cold_water_provider = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$cold_water_provider Api\StructType\ApiProvider
return ApiHouseProfileData

setCold_water_system() public method

Set cold_water_system value
public setCold_water_system ( Api\StructType\ApiColdWaterSystem $cold_water_system = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$cold_water_system Api\StructType\ApiColdWaterSystem
return ApiHouseProfileData

setCommon_space() public method

Set common_space value
public setCommon_space ( Api\StructType\ApiCommonSpace $common_space = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$common_space Api\StructType\ApiCommonSpace
return ApiHouseProfileData

setConstruction_features() public method

Set construction_features value
public setConstruction_features ( string $construction_features = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$construction_features string
return ApiHouseProfileData

setDeterioration_bearing_walls() public method

Set deterioration_bearing_walls value
public setDeterioration_bearing_walls ( float $deterioration_bearing_walls = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$deterioration_bearing_walls float
return ApiHouseProfileData

setDeterioration_floor() public method

Set deterioration_floor value
public setDeterioration_floor ( float $deterioration_floor = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$deterioration_floor float
return ApiHouseProfileData

setDeterioration_foundation() public method

Set deterioration_foundation value
public setDeterioration_foundation ( float $deterioration_foundation = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$deterioration_foundation float
return ApiHouseProfileData

setDeterioration_total() public method

Set deterioration_total value
public setDeterioration_total ( float $deterioration_total = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$deterioration_total float
return ApiHouseProfileData

setDrainage_provider() public method

Set drainage_provider value
public setDrainage_provider ( Api\StructType\ApiProvider $drainage_provider = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$drainage_provider Api\StructType\ApiProvider
return ApiHouseProfileData

setElectricity_provider() public method

Set electricity_provider value
public setElectricity_provider ( Api\StructType\ApiProvider $electricity_provider = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$electricity_provider Api\StructType\ApiProvider
return ApiHouseProfileData

setElectricity_system() public method

Set electricity_system value
public setElectricity_system ( Api\StructType\ApiElectricitySystem $electricity_system = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$electricity_system Api\StructType\ApiElectricitySystem
return ApiHouseProfileData

setElevators_count() public method

Set elevators_count value
public setElevators_count ( integer $elevators_count = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$elevators_count integer
return ApiHouseProfileData

setEnergy_audit_date() public method

Set energy_audit_date value
public setEnergy_audit_date ( string $energy_audit_date = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$energy_audit_date string
return ApiHouseProfileData

setEnergy_efficiency() public method

Set energy_efficiency value
public setEnergy_efficiency ( string $energy_efficiency = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$energy_efficiency string
return ApiHouseProfileData

setEntrance_count() public method

Set entrance_count value
public setEntrance_count ( integer $entrance_count = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$entrance_count integer
return ApiHouseProfileData

setExploitation_start_year() public method

Set exploitation_start_year value
public setExploitation_start_year ( string $exploitation_start_year = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$exploitation_start_year string
return ApiHouseProfileData

setFacade() public method

Set facade value
public setFacade ( Api\StructType\ApiFacade $facade = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$facade Api\StructType\ApiFacade
return ApiHouseProfileData

setFinance() public method

Set finance value
public setFinance ( Api\StructType\ApiFinance $finance = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$finance Api\StructType\ApiFinance
return ApiHouseProfileData

setFlats_count() public method

Set flats_count value
public setFlats_count ( integer $flats_count = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$flats_count integer
return ApiHouseProfileData

setFloor_type() public method

Set floor_type value
public setFloor_type ( string $floor_type = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$floor_type string
return ApiHouseProfileData

setGas_provider() public method

Set gas_provider value
public setGas_provider ( Api\StructType\ApiProvider $gas_provider = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$gas_provider Api\StructType\ApiProvider
return ApiHouseProfileData

setGas_system() public method

Set gas_system value
public setGas_system ( Api\StructType\ApiGasSystem $gas_system = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$gas_system Api\StructType\ApiGasSystem
return ApiHouseProfileData

setHeating_provider() public method

Set heating_provider value
public setHeating_provider ( Api\StructType\ApiProvider $heating_provider = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$heating_provider Api\StructType\ApiProvider
return ApiHouseProfileData

setHeating_system() public method

Set heating_system value
public setHeating_system ( Api\StructType\ApiHeatingSystem $heating_system = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$heating_system Api\StructType\ApiHeatingSystem
return ApiHouseProfileData

setHot_water_provider() public method

Set hot_water_provider value
public setHot_water_provider ( Api\StructType\ApiProvider $hot_water_provider = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$hot_water_provider Api\StructType\ApiProvider
return ApiHouseProfileData

setHot_water_system() public method

Set hot_water_system value
public setHot_water_system ( Api\StructType\ApiHotWaterSystem $hot_water_system = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$hot_water_system Api\StructType\ApiHotWaterSystem
return ApiHouseProfileData

setHouse_type() public method

Set house_type value
public setHouse_type ( string $house_type = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$house_type string
return ApiHouseProfileData

setIndividual_name() public method

Set individual_name value
public setIndividual_name ( string $individual_name = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$individual_name string
return ApiHouseProfileData

setInventory_number() public method

Set inventory_number value
public setInventory_number ( string $inventory_number = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$inventory_number string
return ApiHouseProfileData

setLifts() public method

Set lifts value
public setLifts ( array $lifts = [] ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$lifts array
return ApiHouseProfileData

setLocation_description() public method

Set location_description value
public setLocation_description ( string $location_description = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$location_description string
return ApiHouseProfileData

setManagement_contract() public method

Set management_contract value
public setManagement_contract ( Api\StructType\ApiManagementContract $management_contract = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$management_contract Api\StructType\ApiManagementContract
return ApiHouseProfileData

setPrivatization_start_date() public method

Set privatization_start_date value
public setPrivatization_start_date ( string $privatization_start_date = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$privatization_start_date string
return ApiHouseProfileData

setProject_type() public method

Set project_type value
public setProject_type ( string $project_type = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$project_type string
return ApiHouseProfileData

setResidents_count() public method

Set residents_count value
public setResidents_count ( integer $residents_count = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$residents_count integer
return ApiHouseProfileData

setRoof() public method

Set roof value
public setRoof ( Api\StructType\ApiRoof $roof = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$roof Api\StructType\ApiRoof
return ApiHouseProfileData

setSewerage_system() public method

Set sewerage_system value
public setSewerage_system ( Api\StructType\ApiSewerageSystem $sewerage_system = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$sewerage_system Api\StructType\ApiSewerageSystem
return ApiHouseProfileData

setStoreys_count() public method

Set storeys_count value
public setStoreys_count ( integer $storeys_count = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$storeys_count integer
return ApiHouseProfileData

setThermal_actual_expense() public method

Set thermal_actual_expense value
public setThermal_actual_expense ( float $thermal_actual_expense = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$thermal_actual_expense float
return ApiHouseProfileData

setThermal_normative_expense() public method

Set thermal_normative_expense value
public setThermal_normative_expense ( float $thermal_normative_expense = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$thermal_normative_expense float
return ApiHouseProfileData

setWall_material() public method

Set wall_material value
public setWall_material ( string $wall_material = null ) : ApiHouseProfileData
$wall_material string
return ApiHouseProfileData

Property Details

$accounts_count public_oe property

The accounts_count Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public int $accounts_count
return integer

$area_land public_oe property

The area_land Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true - fractionDigits: 2 - totalDigits: 15
public float $area_land
return float

$area_municipal public_oe property

The area_municipal Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true - fractionDigits: 2 - totalDigits: 15
public float $area_municipal
return float

$area_national public_oe property

The area_national Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true - fractionDigits: 2 - totalDigits: 15
public float $area_national
return float

$area_non_residential public_oe property

The area_non_residential Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true - fractionDigits: 2 - totalDigits: 15
public float $area_non_residential
return float

$area_private public_oe property

The area_private Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true - fractionDigits: 2 - totalDigits: 15
public float $area_private
return float

$area_residential public_oe property

The area_residential Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true - fractionDigits: 2 - totalDigits: 15
public float $area_residential
return float

$area_territory public_oe property

The area_territory Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true - fractionDigits: 2 - totalDigits: 15
public float $area_territory
return float

$area_total public_oe property

The area_total Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - fractionDigits: 2 - totalDigits: 15
public float $area_total
return float

$basement public_oe property

The basement Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public ApiBasement,Api\StructType $basement
return Api\StructType\ApiBasement

$cadastral_number public_oe property

The cadastral_number Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public string $cadastral_number
return string

$chute public_oe property

The chute Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public ApiChute,Api\StructType $chute
return Api\StructType\ApiChute

$cold_water_provider public_oe property

The cold_water_provider Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public ApiProvider,Api\StructType $cold_water_provider
return Api\StructType\ApiProvider

$cold_water_system public_oe property

The cold_water_system Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public ApiColdWaterSystem,Api\StructType $cold_water_system
return Api\StructType\ApiColdWaterSystem

$common_space public_oe property

The common_space Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public ApiCommonSpace,Api\StructType $common_space
return Api\StructType\ApiCommonSpace

$construction_features public_oe property

The construction_features Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public string $construction_features
return string

$deterioration_bearing_walls public_oe property

The deterioration_bearing_walls Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true - fractionDigits: 2 - totalDigits: 15
public float $deterioration_bearing_walls
return float

$deterioration_floor public_oe property

The deterioration_floor Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true - fractionDigits: 2 - totalDigits: 15
public float $deterioration_floor
return float

$deterioration_foundation public_oe property

The deterioration_foundation Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true - fractionDigits: 2 - totalDigits: 15
public float $deterioration_foundation
return float

$deterioration_total public_oe property

The deterioration_total Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true - fractionDigits: 2 - totalDigits: 15
public float $deterioration_total
return float

$drainage_provider public_oe property

The drainage_provider Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public ApiProvider,Api\StructType $drainage_provider
return Api\StructType\ApiProvider

$electricity_provider public_oe property

The electricity_provider Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public ApiProvider,Api\StructType $electricity_provider
return Api\StructType\ApiProvider

$electricity_system public_oe property

The electricity_system Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public ApiElectricitySystem,Api\StructType $electricity_system
return Api\StructType\ApiElectricitySystem

$elevators_count public_oe property

The elevators_count Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public int $elevators_count
return integer

$energy_audit_date public_oe property

The energy_audit_date Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public string $energy_audit_date
return string

$energy_efficiency public_oe property

The energy_efficiency Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public string $energy_efficiency
return string

$entrance_count public_oe property

The entrance_count Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public int $entrance_count
return integer

$exploitation_start_year public_oe property

The exploitation_start_year Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public string $exploitation_start_year
return string

$facade public_oe property

The facade Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public ApiFacade,Api\StructType $facade
return Api\StructType\ApiFacade

$finance public_oe property

The finance Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public ApiFinance,Api\StructType $finance
return Api\StructType\ApiFinance

$flats_count public_oe property

The flats_count Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public int $flats_count
return integer

$floor_type public_oe property

The floor_type Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public string $floor_type
return string

$gas_provider public_oe property

The gas_provider Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public ApiProvider,Api\StructType $gas_provider
return Api\StructType\ApiProvider

$gas_system public_oe property

The gas_system Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public ApiGasSystem,Api\StructType $gas_system
return Api\StructType\ApiGasSystem

$heating_provider public_oe property

The heating_provider Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public ApiProvider,Api\StructType $heating_provider
return Api\StructType\ApiProvider

$heating_system public_oe property

The heating_system Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public ApiHeatingSystem,Api\StructType $heating_system
return Api\StructType\ApiHeatingSystem

$hot_water_provider public_oe property

The hot_water_provider Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public ApiProvider,Api\StructType $hot_water_provider
return Api\StructType\ApiProvider

$hot_water_system public_oe property

The hot_water_system Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public ApiHotWaterSystem,Api\StructType $hot_water_system
return Api\StructType\ApiHotWaterSystem

$house_type public_oe property

The house_type Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public string $house_type
return string

$individual_name public_oe property

The individual_name Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public string $individual_name
return string

$inventory_number public_oe property

The inventory_number Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public string $inventory_number
return string

$lifts public_oe property

The lifts Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true - arrayType: tns:Lift[] - ref: soap-enc:arrayType
public ApiLift[],Api\StructType $lifts
return Api\StructType\ApiLift[]

$location_description public_oe property

The location_description Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public string $location_description
return string

$management_contract public_oe property

The management_contract Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public ApiManagementContract,Api\StructType $management_contract
return Api\StructType\ApiManagementContract

$privatization_start_date public_oe property

The privatization_start_date Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public string $privatization_start_date
return string

$project_type public_oe property

The project_type Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public string $project_type
return string

$residents_count public_oe property

The residents_count Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public int $residents_count
return integer

$roof public_oe property

The roof Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public ApiRoof,Api\StructType $roof
return Api\StructType\ApiRoof

$sewerage_system public_oe property

The sewerage_system Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public ApiSewerageSystem,Api\StructType $sewerage_system
return Api\StructType\ApiSewerageSystem

$storeys_count public_oe property

The storeys_count Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public int $storeys_count
return integer

$thermal_actual_expense public_oe property

The thermal_actual_expense Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true - fractionDigits: 2 - totalDigits: 15
public float $thermal_actual_expense
return float

$thermal_normative_expense public_oe property

The thermal_normative_expense Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true - fractionDigits: 2 - totalDigits: 15
public float $thermal_normative_expense
return float

$wall_material public_oe property

The wall_material Meta informations extracted from the WSDL - nillable: true
public string $wall_material
return string