PHP Class Arrilot\Widgets\Test\Support\TestApplicationWrapper

Inheritance: implements Arrilot\Widgets\Contracts\ApplicationWrapperContract
Datei anzeigen Open project: arrilot/laravel-widgets

Public Properties

Property Type Description
$config array Configuration array double.

Public Methods

Method Description
cache ( $key, $minutes, Closure $callback ) : mixed Wrapper around Cache::remember().
call ( $method, array $params = [] ) : mixed Wrapper around app()->call().
config ( string $key, mixed $default = null ) : mixed Get the specified configuration value.
getNamespace ( ) : string Wrapper around app()->getNamespace().
make ( string $abstract, array $parameters = [] ) : mixed Wrapper around app()->make().

Method Details

cache() public method

Wrapper around Cache::remember().
public cache ( $key, $minutes, Closure $callback ) : mixed
$callback Closure
return mixed

call() public method

Wrapper around app()->call().
public call ( $method, array $params = [] ) : mixed
$params array
return mixed

config() public method

Get the specified configuration value.
public config ( string $key, mixed $default = null ) : mixed
$key string
$default mixed
return mixed

getNamespace() public method

Wrapper around app()->getNamespace().
public getNamespace ( ) : string
return string

make() public method

Wrapper around app()->make().
public make ( string $abstract, array $parameters = [] ) : mixed
$abstract string
$parameters array
return mixed

Property Details

$config public_oe property

Configuration array double.
public array $config
return array