PHP Class Askedio\ItemPaginator\Tests\BaseTestCase

Inheritance: extends Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\TestCase
Datei anzeigen Open project: askedio/laravel-item-paginate

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$baseUrl string The base URL to use while testing the application.

Public Methods

Method Description
createApplication ( ) : Illuminate\Foundation\Application Creates the application.
migrate ( ) Run package database migrations.
setUp ( ) Setup DB before each test.

Method Details

createApplication() public method

Creates the application.
public createApplication ( ) : Illuminate\Foundation\Application
return Illuminate\Foundation\Application

migrate() public method

Run package database migrations.
public migrate ( )

setUp() public method

Setup DB before each test.
public setUp ( )

Property Details

$baseUrl protected_oe property

The base URL to use while testing the application.
protected string $baseUrl
return string