PHP Class Caffeinated\Modules\Console\Generators\MakeModuleCommand

Inheritance: extends Illuminate\Console\Command
Datei anzeigen Open project: caffeinated/modules

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$container array Array to store the configuration details.
$description string The console command description.
$files Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem The filesystem instance.
$module Caffeinated\Modules\Modules The modules instance.
$signature string The name and signature of the console command.

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem $files, Modules $module ) Create a new command instance.
fire ( ) : mixed Execute the console command.

Protected Methods

Method Description
displayHeader ( string $file = '', string $level = 'info' ) : mixed Pull the given stub file contents and display them on screen.
generate ( ) Generate the module.
generateModule ( ) Generate defined module folders.
optimizeModules ( ) Reset module cache of enabled and disabled modules.
replacePlaceholders ( $contents )

Private Methods

Method Description
stepOne ( ) : mixed Step 1: Configure module manifest.

Method Details

__construct() public method

Create a new command instance.
public __construct ( Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem $files, Modules $module )
$files Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem
$module Caffeinated\Modules\Modules

displayHeader() protected method

Pull the given stub file contents and display them on screen.
protected displayHeader ( string $file = '', string $level = 'info' ) : mixed
$file string
$level string
return mixed

fire() public method

Execute the console command.
public fire ( ) : mixed
return mixed

generate() protected method

Generate the module.
protected generate ( )

generateModule() protected method

Generate defined module folders.
protected generateModule ( )

optimizeModules() protected method

Reset module cache of enabled and disabled modules.
protected optimizeModules ( )

replacePlaceholders() protected method

protected replacePlaceholders ( $contents )

Property Details

$container protected_oe property

Array to store the configuration details.
protected array $container
return array

$description protected_oe property

The console command description.
protected string $description
return string

$files protected_oe property

The filesystem instance.
protected Filesystem,Illuminate\Filesystem $files
return Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem

$module protected_oe property

The modules instance.
protected Modules,Caffeinated\Modules $module
return Caffeinated\Modules\Modules

$signature protected_oe property

The name and signature of the console command.
protected string $signature
return string