PHP Class Cartalyst\Sentinel\Cookies\NativeCookie

Inheritance: implements Cartalyst\Sentinel\Cookies\CookieInterface
Datei anzeigen Open project: cartalyst/sentinel Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$options array The cookie options.

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( string | array $options = [] ) : void Create a new cookie driver.
forget ( ) {@inheritDoc}
get ( ) {@inheritDoc}
put ( $value ) {@inheritDoc}

Protected Methods

Method Description
getCookie ( ) : mixed Returns a PHP cookie.
minutesToLifetime ( integer $minutes ) : integer Takes a minutes parameter (relative to now) and converts it to a lifetime (unix timestamp).
setCookie ( mixed $value, integer $lifetime, string $path = null, string $domain = null, boolean $secure = null, boolean $httpOnly = null ) : void Sets a PHP cookie.

Method Details

__construct() public method

Create a new cookie driver.
public __construct ( string | array $options = [] ) : void
$options string | array
return void

forget() public method

public forget ( )

get() public method

public get ( )

getCookie() protected method

Returns a PHP cookie.
protected getCookie ( ) : mixed
return mixed

minutesToLifetime() protected method

Takes a minutes parameter (relative to now) and converts it to a lifetime (unix timestamp).
protected minutesToLifetime ( integer $minutes ) : integer
$minutes integer
return integer

put() public method

public put ( $value )

setCookie() protected method

Sets a PHP cookie.
protected setCookie ( mixed $value, integer $lifetime, string $path = null, string $domain = null, boolean $secure = null, boolean $httpOnly = null ) : void
$value mixed
$lifetime integer
$path string
$domain string
$secure boolean
$httpOnly boolean
return void

Property Details

$options protected_oe property

The cookie options.
protected array $options
return array