PHP Class Cartalyst\Sentinel\Native\SentinelBootstrapper

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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
$config array Configuration.
$dispatcher Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher The event dispatcher.

Public Methods

Method Description
__construct ( array $config = null ) : void Constructor.
createSentinel ( ) : Sentinel Creates a sentinel instance.

Protected Methods

Method Description
createActivationCheckpoint ( IlluminateActivationRepository $activations ) : ActivationCheckpoint Create an activation checkpoint.
createActivations ( ) : IlluminateActivationRepository Creates an activation repository.
createCheckpoints ( IlluminateActivationRepository $activations, IlluminateThrottleRepository $throttle, string $ipAddress ) : array Create activation and throttling checkpoints.
createCookie ( ) : NativeCookie Creates a cookie.
createHasher ( ) : NativeHasher Creates a hasher.
createPersistence ( ) : IlluminatePersistenceRepository Creates a persistences repository.
createReminders ( IlluminateUserRepository $users ) : IlluminateReminderRepository Create a reminder repository.
createRoles ( ) : IlluminateRoleRepository Creates a role repository.
createSession ( ) : NativeSession Creates a session.
createThrottleCheckpoint ( IlluminateThrottleRepository $throtte, string $ipAddress ) : ThrottleCheckpoint Create a throttle checkpoint.
createThrottling ( ) : IlluminateThrottleRepository Create a throttling repository.
createUsers ( ) : IlluminateUserRepository Creates a user repository.
getEventDispatcher ( ) : Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher Returns the event dispatcher.
getIpAddress ( ) : string Returns the client's ip address.

Method Details

__construct() public method

public __construct ( array $config = null ) : void
$config array
return void

createActivationCheckpoint() protected method

Create an activation checkpoint.
protected createActivationCheckpoint ( IlluminateActivationRepository $activations ) : ActivationCheckpoint
$activations Cartalyst\Sentinel\Activations\IlluminateActivationRepository
return Cartalyst\Sentinel\Checkpoints\ActivationCheckpoint

createActivations() protected method

Creates an activation repository.
protected createActivations ( ) : IlluminateActivationRepository
return Cartalyst\Sentinel\Activations\IlluminateActivationRepository

createCheckpoints() protected method

Create activation and throttling checkpoints.
protected createCheckpoints ( IlluminateActivationRepository $activations, IlluminateThrottleRepository $throttle, string $ipAddress ) : array
$activations Cartalyst\Sentinel\Activations\IlluminateActivationRepository
$throttle Cartalyst\Sentinel\Throttling\IlluminateThrottleRepository
$ipAddress string
return array

createCookie() protected method

Creates a cookie.
protected createCookie ( ) : NativeCookie
return Cartalyst\Sentinel\Cookies\NativeCookie

createHasher() protected method

Creates a hasher.
protected createHasher ( ) : NativeHasher
return Cartalyst\Sentinel\Hashing\NativeHasher

createPersistence() protected method

Creates a persistences repository.
protected createPersistence ( ) : IlluminatePersistenceRepository
return Cartalyst\Sentinel\Persistences\IlluminatePersistenceRepository

createReminders() protected method

Create a reminder repository.
protected createReminders ( IlluminateUserRepository $users ) : IlluminateReminderRepository
$users Cartalyst\Sentinel\Users\IlluminateUserRepository
return Cartalyst\Sentinel\Reminders\IlluminateReminderRepository

createRoles() protected method

Creates a role repository.
protected createRoles ( ) : IlluminateRoleRepository
return Cartalyst\Sentinel\Roles\IlluminateRoleRepository

createSentinel() public method

Creates a sentinel instance.
public createSentinel ( ) : Sentinel
return Cartalyst\Sentinel\Sentinel

createSession() protected method

Creates a session.
protected createSession ( ) : NativeSession
return Cartalyst\Sentinel\Sessions\NativeSession

createThrottleCheckpoint() protected method

Create a throttle checkpoint.
protected createThrottleCheckpoint ( IlluminateThrottleRepository $throtte, string $ipAddress ) : ThrottleCheckpoint
$throtte Cartalyst\Sentinel\Throttling\IlluminateThrottleRepository
$ipAddress string
return Cartalyst\Sentinel\Checkpoints\ThrottleCheckpoint

createThrottling() protected method

Create a throttling repository.
protected createThrottling ( ) : IlluminateThrottleRepository
return Cartalyst\Sentinel\Throttling\IlluminateThrottleRepository

createUsers() protected method

Creates a user repository.
protected createUsers ( ) : IlluminateUserRepository
return Cartalyst\Sentinel\Users\IlluminateUserRepository

getEventDispatcher() protected method

Returns the event dispatcher.
protected getEventDispatcher ( ) : Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher
return Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher

getIpAddress() protected method

Returns the client's ip address.
protected getIpAddress ( ) : string
return string

Property Details

$config protected_oe property

protected array $config
return array

$dispatcher protected_oe property

The event dispatcher.
protected Dispatcher,Illuminate\Events $dispatcher
return Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher